Ever wanted to learn the basics of tuning? Now's the time. Join us for tonight's live broadcast at 9:00 p.m. We'll all be getting a free tuning lesson from our friends at High Performance Academy.
The broadcast will be made on our Facebook page at 9:00 p.m. EST. Tune in (ha) and tell your friends!…
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Awesome. I should actually be able to catch this one.
Ranger50 wrote:
And FB. Two strikes for me- I'd love to be part of it.
In reply to alfadriver:
We'll post a feed here on the forum, too. I think that helps those without Facebook. Sorry you guys can't make it.
In reply to Ed Higginbotham:
Does either allow for questions and feedback?
Not that it helps tonight, but in the case of a future tuning seminar, I'd personally rather be able to provide live feedback and questions.
Yes, every Facebook Live allows live feedback and questions. The message board, however, does not, though we'll try to check here as often as possible during the broadcast.
And it's not that we don't like the message board community. It's about manpower.
For this project we basically have JG, Ed, Tom and me.
For a usual Facebook Live, JG is in front of the camera. If it's an episode in the shop, another person, usually Ed but sometimes Tom, will then work the camera, monitor audio, etc. Then a third person will answer the questions that are posted. So that's three of our four available people--and with these taking place on weekday evenings, that's keeping everyone fairly busy.
But tonight it's a studio production, meaning a fixed camera. Ed will be monitoring Facebook. I'm going to monitor the message board. If you have questions here, I'll do my best to answer.
3, 2, 1....
And our guests from HP Academy are with us.
Does everyone feel smarter yet? (I do.)
Did he just say that they offer some free courses? Yes, I believe that he did.
And I'l be monitoring this thread:
HP Academy
So here's a little behind the scenes for tonight:
JG is live in the GRM Studio (aka the office in the back of his shop).
I'm in my home office monitoring the message board. Yes, I'm wearing pants.
Ed is home on his couch monitoring the Facebook questions and some technical stuff. We're all communicating via instant message.
Ed lives a little more than a mile from me. JG is about 4 or 5 miles in the other direction. Our guests are live on a dyno in New Zealand.
When I started here 20+ years ago, not sure I saw this in the future. Cool stuff.
Update: Ed says that he is pantless. 
If you are interested in learning more about tuning or engine building you can get started here.
And here is a coupon for $20 off your course purchase. Coupon Code: YY29LK
David S. Wallens wrote:
Update: Ed says that he is pantless.
I was, perhaps uncharacteristically, not pantless. I was shoeless, however.
But, yeah, it's a pretty bare-bones production setup. We stream the video to Facebook through a $500 app called Wirecast, and we use a fairly nice Panasonic camcorder, but aside from that it's smoke and mirrors. The "set" is a piece of green fabric attached to the shelves behind my desk with clamps that we use for chromakey, and our studio lights are some of those $25 LED tubes that there was a board thread about a coupe months ago, zip tied to some old speaker stands.
Hopefully, next time, my schedule will work better, as I'd like to participate. I'm really interested in what aftermarket tuners are telling consumers what to do and why vs. what's done for production cars.