So I want to use the coupon in the latest GRM issue BUT I don't want to tear it out because there is an article on the back of it. (something about minis) and I really don't want to tear up my issue of GRM. I hate magazines with things torn out of them.
So I try and photocopy it and there is something in the add (or in the paper) that prevents it from being photocopied. (I assume that it is the same stuff that they are putting on checks now to prevent photocopying) The bar codes are all partially blanked out when I try to copy it. I tried it on two copiers and got the same result.
What gives GRM? I like getting cheep tools but I will not tear up a issue of GRM to get them. This seriously annoyed me to the point where I went elsewhere to purchase my tools (and paid more).
I am probably being an idiot here but annoying people makes them cut off there nose to spite there face if you know what I mean.
It's already been fixed–I just checked, and assuming no last-minute changes, the HF ad isn't backed by editorial in the December issue.
We've heard you guys complaining about this for a while now, but there's a ton of lead time when assembling a magazine (the December HF ad was placed in early September, IIRC).
Sorry it's taken us so long to make this change, but it takes lots of time to lay out and print paper magazines.
We're going to try to keep the HF ad backed by another ad in the future.
Sounds like a good place for a Viagra ad?
Have you tried taking the entire magazine in? The local HF will scan it from the magazine and you don't have to tear it out. Keeps your magazine in one piece and let's you use the coupon multiple times!
You can also find online printable coupons for HF that are the same as the magazine ones, or sign up and get their mailer every month (not the Inside Track club - the free mailer. T
tomtomgt356 wrote:
Have you tried taking the entire magazine in? The local HF will scan it from the magazine and you don't have to tear it out. Keeps your magazine in one piece and let's you use the coupon multiple times!
Not around here. You have to physically surrender the coupon.
10/16/15 9:28 a.m.
if you have a smartphone they always have 20 off and free stuff coupons on their mobile site.
or if they put a new HF up the street, you get 5 sets of coupons a week in the mail.
if you take a picture of it with your phone most of the cashiers will honor it (they just punch in the code at the bottom anyway) at least here in the midwest this works...
dean1484 wrote:
So I try and photocopy it and there is something in the add (or in the paper) that prevents it from being photocopied. (I assume that it is the same stuff that they are putting on checks now to prevent photocopying) The bar codes are all partially blanked out when I try to copy it. I tried it on two copiers and got the same result.
Whaaaat? There's DRM in printers now!? I must learn more about this.
In reply to tomtomgt356:
They might be cracking down on that, at least around here. I had to destroy a magazine because of it. I might ask them to magic marker the barcode instead.
10/16/15 10:51 a.m.
They sharpie the bar code here, even on the mailed ones which I wouldnt mind cutting up.
Duh. Just go to the master digital ad file for that month and print the source document and take that in. Piece of cake.
But, yeah, we've been trying to back it with another ad as much as possible. Although, we did have some advertisers specifically request to not be behind it since they want their ad to stay in the mag as much as possible. So it can be tricky. but it's a known issue.
That's so crazy about the copying. I've not heard that before. Makes me want to try it. I know I've tried to scan money before and my scan software has brought up a warning that said "sorry, you can't scan money."
JG Pasterjak wrote:
I know I've tried to scan money before and my scan software has brought up a warning that said "sorry, you can't scan money."
My buddy in high school photocopied a $1 bill and blew it up like 200%. He kept it folded in his wallet and occasionally when buying things would whip it out and ask the cashier if they accepted canadian money.
JG Pasterjak wrote:
I know I've tried to scan money before and my scan software has brought up a warning that said "sorry, you can't scan money."
Surprise FREEDOM! visit at the Pasterjak house in 3...2...1...
10/16/15 1:08 p.m.
Dean, post your mailing address and we will all send you our surplus 20% off coupons.

Thanks Tom!!!
And yes around here we have to surrender the coupon.
AND I discovered something else. If I try and copy it the bar codes get partially deleted BUT if I scan to a PDF it seems to work just fine. I have not printed it form the PDF but I assume that it is ok. I am wondering if there is something in the HP software that detect the bar-code and delete it when copying. Both copiers were HP.
Hummmmm I am going to have to investigate further. I think I am going to try and print the PDF. If that works then I will try to photocopy it and see if I get the same results as copying the original if I do then it is software if not then it is something else.
They always just scan the bar code on the smart phone around here. I always drag my wife and kids with me and each of us buys something and uses the same smart phone ad. Last time we were there, we also scored 4 free flashlights. My wife searches for store discounts on her phone for every store she goes in. There is a craft store here that always has a half off coupon on any item. The fabric store always has a 30 percent off scannable coupon.