so my brother has decided to sell his 01 trans am ws6. he loves that car, but he needs something with a back seat for real sized humans and decent fuel economy for work. also needs tpo be able to have a trailer hitch for a light utility trailer for his motorcycle (vulcan650) and homeowner duties like washer, etc. he can borrow my truck for the big stuff, or the real work.
he loves his trans am, but again, it needs to go.
he does not work on anything that is not a house. not even to change his iown oil. ive tried to teach him, but he doesnt have any intent or interest to learn. hos maintenance of any vehicle consists of changing the tires when theyre bald, the oil at 3k, and putting gas in it. he will ocasionally wash one, and rarely if ever wax it. he is the quintessential neglectful appliance driver.
that being said and out of the way, he needs to find something with a fair sized back seat, gets upper 20's or better MPG, under 20k purchase price. needs to be dead nuts reliable, and thrive on abuse and neglect. he lives down here in NC with the rest of us, so snow doesnt factor in. needs to be cheap on repair parts as well, so that probably tosses porsche, VW, BMW, etc.
he would like something used, with the remainder of factory warrenty. he went looking at accords and camry's yesterday at my dads suggestion, and hated them. said it was a car, with a radio and AC. that was about it. i explained my theory of daily driven appliances to him, of a camry being like driving your fridge, and something like an SER specv being more like your 56" pplasma HDTV. still a neglected appliance, but one that brings a little joy.
my list for him that im building in my head is pretty small, and im asking for suggestions, and possibly links to something like a driving review for him. im going to link him to this thread for his perusal and education.hes looking at something in the 2010-2012 range. this is a segment that i am VERY limited on, as it lives well outside my familys budget. hell, i dont even pay attention to what is produced on the new car market. i couldnt begin to think of them all. i think something like the late 90's legacy/accord/camry size or bigger would be perfect for his needs. auto or manual.
my ideas: hyuandai genisis 4 door subaru legacy spec b kia forte scion tC ford fiesta caddy cts-v
so, et the ideas fly. where looking for something fun to drive, economical, mainetnance free, late model, under 20k, hopefully with an extyended warrenty/factopry warrenty, fits 4 adults comfortably, reasonable repair costs