My pops is weirdly interested in getting his hands on a MR-S, found one he likes in Milwaukie, anyone down in that neck of the woods willing to take a look for us?
Am told it was traded in to a BMW dealer originally, leaves high hopes for adult driving and upkeep.
Volctice Motors
(bonus points because if he gets this I get to autocross it in a few weeks)
Not in the area, but I did drive down there to help a buddy buy a car from the same dealership. They were fine to deal with. Not awesome, but not bad.
6/25/15 11:22 p.m.
I'm about 40 minutes away. I might be able to take a look this weekend, not sure what the wife has me scheduled for. 
In reply to Mezzanine:
Thanks for the heads up!
In reply to bgkast:
That'd be awesome if the missus can free up your schedule!
I probably drove past it twice yesterday and again the day before.
Message me contact info?
Bumpity, anyone in the region able to take a look?
One more attempt before he drags me to Portland with him, anyone able to take a look?
Thanks, Snow and SnowPops
I'm In bend. It's quite a drive up. I know a guy though.... He might for a fee.
7/14/15 9:17 a.m.
Whoops, I thought bentwrench had this one taken care of. I could probably look at it Thursday evening or this weekend.
In reply to bgkast:
Seems like bent got busy, if you could take a look that'd be awesome! Thank you!
7/14/15 5:24 p.m.
Anything in particular you want me to check?
In reply to bgkast:
Nothing specific, just general 'haven't seen this car before, what's up' things.
Mostly just indications that it's been abused or recently returned to stock, thank you!
7/16/15 8:16 p.m.
Ok, I checked it out, but I couldn't drive it because it was blocked in 3 deep. Overall it looks pretty good. There are a few scratches and touch ups, but overall the body is very straight. The underside was totally rust free.
Downsides- it needs a top, the one on it has been patched and has some holes. It also needs tires. The front and back sets don't match, and they have some dry cracking and sidewall damage.
The driver's seat that is damaged in the pictures has been reupholstered and looks good, but the fabric isn't an exact match.
Other little things: the radio doesn't work, the prop stick for the engine cover is missing, the carpet is worn where the driver's heels rest and the coolant could use a flush. Oil and brake fluids looked good. AC works too.
Hope this helps. A fellow named Cuba helped me out, and seemed like a good guy.
In reply to bgkast:
Thanks so much!
Good info to have, my pops is insisting that I do some negotiation ahead of his driving down.
If you're ever headed to Canadaland lemme know, I'll buy you a beer at one of the dozenish breweries we have in town (Bellingham, last real stop before Vancouver)