My lovely yellow Miata has pretty sad paint, which is made all the worse by the mismatched black primer front fenders.
A paint job is unfortunately not in the budget for the next few years, but I'd like to do something that at least looks intentional. I'm going to give wrapping the fenders a shot - I bought some nice metallic gray vinyl a while back. I got samples of every yellow offered by metro restyling, and nothing was a close enough match to go that way. Any ideas for how to blend the doors and hood into this scheme? I am also on the lookout for replacement front bumper covers, so that will need to be wrapped as well.
Here are a few pictures for inspiration - Photoshop (or MS Paint, I don't judge) wizards, have at it!

3/9/18 12:32 p.m.

Diagonal hatch pattern on the front fenders
If it's just the two front fenders, maybe rattle-can them yellow or drop them off at Maaco? Applying a wrap is a lot of work, especially to something with a lot of openings and folds like the front bumper. Just making the front fenders roughly the same color seems easy in comparison.
That would be the easiest thing to do, yes. I wouldn't mind doing something more fun though.
Flat black Plasti-Dip. Paint reducing width strobe lines moving aft. Top to bottom of the rockers. Think 80s graphics.

So far, I've only ever wrapped interior trim pieces:

Wasn't insanely hard, but on a fender/bumper, I'm sure it's not fun and much harder.
3/9/18 3:16 p.m.




more easyish ones than I expected!

Maybe a take on the classic yellow taxi scheme? Leave the fenders black and apply the checkerboard at the border between the front quarter and the door.
Call it the MiataXI
Hmmmmmmmmm, I like the strobe lines and the taxi idea. I was kinda thinking some pattern that can start out black and end yellow to merge the two colors. Maybe I'll mock a few up in paint myself...
RossD said:

Diagonal hatch pattern on the front fenders
Just a couple of Grand Sport stripes might do the trick. That's a pretty cool idea.
Or, get some checkered flag vinyl done in yellow vinyl to put on the black fender and black vinyl to put on the yellow fender.
Net result of both fenders in black and yellow.

This is less terrible than I thought it might be..... Extend the stripes onto the windshield frame and top? Or no?
Bare metal, like Auto Union had to do in the 1930s to get their cars below maximum weight.
In reply to cmcgregor :
For something drastic years ago at the track, someone with a white BMW 2002 had his kids dribble/ splatter different colors over the white. It looked awesome. what about putting yellow splatter on the black and black splatter on the yellow.
Shark mouth on the fenders ala WWII fighter planes.