Current trailer is an 8.5x20 enclosed cargo trailer, and was acquired several (larger) race cars ago. Goal is to downsize to a smaller, lighter, more aerodynamic enclosed trailer (I store the car in it) that can be easily towed by an SUV or midsize truck,
Race car is a Radical SR1. Small car that weighs a little over 1,000lbs dry. Other stuff that has to have a home on the trailer is a set of wheels/tires, a quick jack, some basic tools and spares, gas jugs, and a big a$$ set of Race Ramps required by the car's very low ground clearance.
I was originally thinking about one of these Trailex trailers:
Very nice, very light, very expensive, very overkill for my needs. I learned from a local trailer dealer that I can order a custom cargo trailer and have it here in 4-6 weeks, and the price will be much easier to swallow.
A standard 7x16 v-nose enclosed cargo trailer should fit my stuff and only weighs 2200lb. If I go shorter I will save even more weight. I should be within reach of getting the whole loaded trailer down to around 3500lb.
Standard interior height is 7', but I'm going to go shorter to reduce frontal area for towing and I'm trying to decide how much shorter. If I go to 6' I can still walk in and out of the trailer easily. If I go to 5' (like the Trailex) it will be harder to walk in and out and may take some creativity to find a place for a tire rack, but the aerodynamics would improve substantially by being similar in height to the tow vehicle.
I'm trying to decide whether I want the entry door in the usual spot, or on the side panel of the v-nose like the Trailex. I can see some advantages and disadvantages to both places.
3500lb axles should be fine. I want brakes on both axles.
I'm going to mount a winch in the front. I've been powering the current trailer's winch with a Li Ion garden tractor battery, which works well enough for me.
Knowing what you know about your race trailer, what other design choices would you make, or features would you build in to a new trailer design? Show me some clever storage ideas for wheels and tires, gas cans, race ramps, etc.