Not me. I'm going to stay out of this aside from asking for comments. This is from a forum where I was called names for adding my opinion so I'm asking for yours.
That is crushed glass inside the chambers.
Well yea, what dey call it glasspack for.
Trying to imagine what that will sound like. I know it won't be good, that's for sure.
2/22/15 7:08 a.m.
Someone needs to make a Kickstarter. Now.
In reply to ebonyandivory:
Please tell us you made this all up. Please,pretty please.
So instead of shooting out threads of fiberglass, this one shoots out chunks of glass?
That's pretty funny. Should rattle nicely.
I made one once, but rather than using glass or fiberglass, I used stainless pot scrubbers. It was going behind a rotary and they are known for burning out glasspacks. It actually worked very well as a pre-silencer.
2/22/15 7:58 a.m.
I'm glad i don't know derek richardson otherwise i'd go smack him with a purple hornie
In reply to patgizz:
Ummmm, no you wouldn't.
That's the picture I snagged from the forum thread in order to paste it here.
Hi, I'm Derek Richardson the guy that got called a "dick" for giving my opinion about it! Called out by a few different posters to boot.
I'm "Broncoderek" on this site:
Page 5:
LOL I thought you were kidding. It must be exhausting to be that stupid.
pres589 wrote:
1. What do they weigh??
2. Is the center pipe even perforated?
3. Wait, you packed them with BROKEN GLASS?
(...and I said I wouldn't comment)
They look like a "PANE" to make!!!! Get it "pane of glass". I make myself laugh!
It's too bad I'm the only guy so far that said anything... There are actually guys defending his decision!
2/22/15 9:23 a.m.
ebonyandivory wrote:
In reply to patgizz:
Ummmm, no you wouldn't.
That's the picture I snagged from the forum thread in order to paste it here.
Hi, I'm Derek Richardson the guy that got called a "dick" for giving my opinion about it! Called out by a few different posters to boot.
I'm "Broncoderek" on this site:
Page 5:
ah i figured you were hotlinking to his photobucket. comment rescinded, i would smack the builder with it then.
judging from the brainpower over there i suggest you just turn, walk away, and never look back.
I wonder how many liquor bottles that takes?
2/22/15 9:51 a.m.
Wait. You got called out for pointing out an obviously idiotic design choice? (I.e
He wasn't being ironic, sarcastic, etc.?) You are not a "dick" you actually win the internets today! Shove those troll souls through the glasspacks. ;)
Ok, someone totally needs to take an empty Jack bottle - label intact - drill a hole through the bottom, shove a steel tube through it with some SOS pads stuffed around it, and use it for a ratrod. 
In reply to gunner:
Admittedly, I didn't coddle the guy.
I wrote: "You seriously used broken glass in your mufflers?
Is it April 1st?
I'm sure it won't rattle or sound like ****!
Are you going to pour sand through your intake with the engine running to hone your cylinders next?"
Got these in return:
"If you would read a few posts before this you'll see that I did this only for curiosity. Maybe u should try the sand thing first
2/22/15 10:30 a.m.
Id say its about even at that point. I'll try all sorts of stupid E36 M3 for curiosity on my own cars. I also have 10 ASE certs and teach auto repair for a living. I just like to experiment.
What do i think it will do, though? Rattle and do very little muffling. 
In reply to Vigo:
The formatting messed up my post. There's 5 or so more posts defending the guy and calling me names or similar.
Don't tell me you'd experiment with real broken glass in your muffler...
You effectively called him a retard for trying to make mufflers with glass, when he made it very clear that he just tried it out of idle curiosity. I never got the sense that he was going to be using them as a permanent solution. But when it was pointed out to you that you were being unduly harsh, you came here with half the facts to raise some support. There was a story about me in our local paper, and it was not very complimentary. It is very frustrating that they took half the facts because it made a good story, but never bothered with any fact checking.
In reply to bearmtnmartin:
Yup, I provided half the facts by giving you a link to exactly what was written from everyone involved.
But you apparently got somewhat slandered in a local newspaper and you're using that here why?
Look, I posted The picture the "fabricator" posted then gave everyone a direct link to not only the thread but the very page I posted my reply on. An that looks like I'm slanting something to you?
By your "logic" you yourself were leaving out half the facts by not mentioning that I posted the link here and/or that I posted the op's reply to me.