Looking for a new key(s) for my '09 civic. I currently have 2 keys for it, but both have damaged plastic shells on the end.
One is slightly broken, the other is very broken. Key blades are good, fob inserts(with security chips) are good, if in need of new batteries. Online searches for shells only turn up with new blank blades. Two attempts at retailers that offer basic chipped keys fell through. One couldn't read the chip, and the other couldn't cut the actual key. Would I have better luck with an actual locksmith, or am I at the whims of dealing with a dealer?
I purchased used key fobs off eBay for my merc for the housings. Swap over the guts and I have like new keys again. They were cheep. In the $10 or less range.
I've seen little key pouches that hold the key and provide a new attachment
dean1484 said:
I purchased used key fobs off eBay for my merc for the housings. Swap over the guts and I have like new keys again. They were cheep. In the $10 or less range.
I did something similar to this for my 2006 Civic but with a new key (purchased from and cut by Batteries Plus for about $40) combined with the guts from the original key