The horn in my Denali is less than inspiring. I want to replace it with something that will get the attention of those that for some reason can not see a full size GMC truck.
I would like a basic bolt in. I don’t mind adding relays and running better power but no air compressors or anything like that.
I am looking for suggestions. Can be new aftermarket or used form the junkyard. Either is ok.
Older Cadillac horns. Loud and distinctive. Should be plug and play.
Chrysler mini vans have surprisingly aggressive dual tone horns, and are plentiful at the pull-a-part.
Cadillac 4 note!
Off ebay a set should run you $50-$75 but amazing! Only slight fab work needed to mount.
Search "Cadillac 4 note" on YouTube for examples.

Fiamm twin tones are under $50 and will get a lot of attention.
A couple of locomotive air horns popped up on my local govdeals site.
If they can't see a full size truck, nothing short of a compressor powered train horn will do. 
12/24/17 11:45 a.m.
I prefer the Fiamms that Jumper K. Balls listed, but Fiamm also makes a compact unit that's easier to install. I put one in my WRX.

I've used these Hellas too. They sound awful, but damn are they loud!

12/24/17 1:40 p.m.
I have the Hella's on the WRX, but when I was looking for Fiat choices a number of people on the forums have this guy:

First thing this thread made me think of was Hella Supertones in the grill of a Subaru.

I have no actual experience with Hella Supertones or Subarus.
Edit: I think I need 4 notes on my everything now.
New Reader
12/24/17 1:46 p.m.
Fiamm freeway blasters, both the high and low. They look just like most OEM horns, will bolt up with no mods and the stock location and are noticeably louder. I added just the low note on my Mazda to supplement the single high note and people can actually hear me now.
Jumper K Balls said:

Fiamm twin tones are under $50 and will get a lot of attention.
+1. I have them to replace the non-op horns that were on my disco. The sound also surprises and perhaps confuses people, so it gets their attention
I want one of those cow horns they used to sell in J.C Whitney catalogs, where you didn't have a button, you had a lever, and you could work the lever to make any noise from gentle lowing to full on "I am about to wreck you" enraged bull.
I want it to mess with corner workers when I rallycross.
12/24/17 5:36 p.m.
mad_machine said:
Jumper K Balls said:

Fiamm twin tones are under $50 and will get a lot of attention.
+1. I have them to replace the non-op horns that were on my disco. The sound also surprises and perhaps confuses people, so it gets their attention
+2 ... have them on the Exocet, and they have saved my bacon more than once already.
12/24/17 6:15 p.m.
My experience with the air horns like that (not sure if the same brand) is that they last about a year and then the compressor stops working.
I have a set of Fiamms in my 88 Silverado. I bought them for about $12 on clearance from the website, I guess no one wanted a set molded with purple plastic (the bells on the horns and the base of the compressor). I didn't like the purple color either, but some plastic friendly black spray paint took care of that. They're loud, and have been in the truck for about three years.
I do make a habit of blowing the horn every week or two, since it has a component with moving parts. Between my home and work, I travel through a wildlife management area. If there's no cars nearby, a brief sounding of the horn isn't likely to bother anyone.
I've been happy with them, and would install a set again.
12/25/17 7:52 a.m.
Which of those that will work on a wrx don’t make the “hi i just hit the horn on my cute little geo metro” sound like my factory horns?