This may be one of the odder questions I've asked on here, but I'd like to get some input before I make yet another costly car purchase/car change mistake.
OK, so I'm not exactly in the best shape and have a bunch of semi-busted joints (kinda runs in the family). Of course it would be nice if I'd actually lived as hard as my body thinks it has, but I digress...
I looked at subrew's FV yesterday because I had high hopes I would fit that car better than the Lynx chassis one I looked at earlier. In both cases, initially getting in and out of the cars didn't seem to be a big deal initially with subrew's car being much easier on me, but with both cars, my joints started complaining loudly on the way back home. Yes, they're kinda complaining a bit when I get in but that's similar to their complaints when I get on a bike, and I've been able to ride long distances on the right bike for years like this.
Yesterday it was bad enough that I had to stop on the way back and take a break - basically hobble around until I was mostly functional again. Heck, when I stopped I more or less fell out of the car as if I had had a quart of 'shine and then wobbled about like I was 90 and not 45.
This afternoon my wife pointed out that the trips to look at the two FVs had one thing in common - I was driving the Evo. A few weeks back I looked at a 911 in the Bay Area and had taken the MR2. The trip to Marin county is longer than to subrew's place, yet I didn't feel like I had been waltzing with a Grizzly after I got back home.
So, how the heck do I find out if the issue are the ergonomics in the Evo rather than the cars I was looking at? It's got "shades of Miata" written all over it again - remember I had to sell that because I couldn't make the ergonomics work either. Keep in mind that when I sit in the Evo I generally feel comfortable with the driving position. Everything is right where it's supposed to be, everything feels comfortable and the Recaros are adjusted "just right".
Only thing I can think of is to take a long trip in the Evo, then one in the MR2 and compare notes on how messed up I feel afterwards, but I was kinda hoping someone had some alternative suggestions.
And before someone suggests going to see a quack - already done that, he confirmed what I already knew (it's not like I haven't been aware of this problem for about 30 years) and pointed out that there wasn't much they could do yet apart from giving me some pills for when things get too bad.