Trying to get the ignition switch and lock and all that jazz off the column, and I can't figure it out. A band goes over the column, and bolts into the part the key goes in. But I can't turn those bolts, as the heads are round (not rounded off, the appear made that way)
10/11/10 12:32 p.m.
They're made that way to keep you from stealing the car. You need to cut.
Keith wrote:
They're made that way to keep you from stealing the car. You need to cut.
That's what i was afraid of. How do I reinstall?
10/11/10 12:59 p.m.
If you can cut just the bolts - a Sawzall or rotary cutter through the slot in the switch - you can replace with a new, normal one. That's what I remember anyhow.
Wait! Just notch them and use a flat head to remove. Then reinstall the same way. Simple.
splitime wrote:
Wait! Just notch them and use a flat head to remove. Then reinstall the same way. Simple.
Yes on removing them that way, no on reinstalling. I'm a big believer in regular bolts/
I use a 4" air cut off wheel and slot them to take off very easy. I looked over the top of my glass's like my Son was nuts, when he taught me that LOL
sure new is okay, but there really isnt anything wrong with the old ones if you got relatively close to center when you made the slots. imo
If you don't have access to an air wheel or a Dremel, you can tap them off with a flathead screwdriver and a hammer. Just work them around in a circle. It's tedious, but it works. I got the column out of an FB in a field that way.
My friend sent me a thing from all data that said basically the same thing. Thanks guys!