7/5/09 8:08 a.m.
4 '86 CRXs -project "car"
1 '84 Toyota truck -parts/ landscaping runner
1 '93 Eagle Summit -DD/mpg/beater
So really not too bad (although I'm still looking for projects -a V8 pre-fox Mustang and a 911 husk I'm trying to talk my friend out of (this was to be the first 911 at the Challange, but he's being clingy...)).
Tell me about the Volare Greg. I'm still kicking myself for passing on a '78 with the 318 and a four speed.
As long as you physically have space for them you're OK with this group.
2 VW GTI race cars
1 Subaru Outback
1 Ford Explorer
1 Ford Escort
The problem I have is I'm looking for more on a daily basis.
4 cars, 3 trucks, 1 motorcycle, 2 drivers. Hmm, my ratios are off, I need more motorcycles (wife wont go for that) and more cars (wife WILL go for that) 
7/5/09 12:02 p.m.
GregTivo wrote:
Check it out here
Not quite what I expected, but still cool...

The_Jed wrote:
Assuming all of aussiesmg's are street legal that would be $1,092 every two years in registration alone!
Assuming the stickers were renewed in a timely's another $280 if they're all late!Then there's insurance,maintenance,oil changes...
What kind of business do you own and how can I hop on this gravy train!?
$1,000 is about two months of car payments for a lot of people. One month for something really exotic.
In those terms it doesn't sound too bad.

96 protege
88 S-10
79 rx7
88 rx7
2 sc400's
92 sundance
94 Grand cherokee
92 Bonneville
72 dodge Charger SE
2 beetle frame
mazda hatch of some sort too mangled to identify
aborted buggy project
And that's just what is mine....
early 70's datsun pickup
3 trailers
another trailer that doesn't belong to me
Astro van
70's ford pickup
92 Grand Caravan
Parked between my dad's place and mine (same property
diffent ends of it so it's kinda the same yard)
96 Jimmy
07 Ford 500
92 miata
78 Sapporo
03 F150
50's Case Tractor - Yup still runs and works
to be added this week
09 50 horse 4x4 tractor with a front bucket, loading forks, auger, boxblade, brush hog, etc.... My dads Bday present from the family, funny I think I might end up using it more than him.
Oh yeah my wife just reminded me, we're getting a new to us 02 sonoma from my mother in law this week.
on a side note my wife has slowed me down by mandating she gets a new dog every time I get a new vehicle, 3 Rat terriers (yeah they actually hunt the mice that find their way inside) rat terrier/king cavalier mix, rat terrier/chi mix, My husky I had before we got together, the boogie monster(boston terrier) and a stray that I found in the middle of the road when he was about 7 weeks old according to the vet, who appears to be a Mastiff mix of some sort lovingly reffered to as the food bank aka Bankie. oh yeah and the stray cat my wife had to save, who is absolutly nuts, aka zoomie, so is that to many? Thank goodness we live out in the country.
anybody want a large puppy or a cat?
Wowak wrote:
If the question were how many Miatas is too many, I'd have said 26. 26 Miatas would be overkill.
Well, as much as the Miata owes to old Brit cars, ya gotta admit that you don't need 26 of `em to keep one on the road...
I'm down to 3! Had to sell 5 to get there so I could move more easily. I'm proud to say I've never broken triple digits at one time. My lifetime count is up around 250, but only 11 have been Miatas 
I'm currently down to 5, as listed in my sig. It feels very odd.
Two of the five are going to become parts cars soon-ish. I'm going to have to start replenishing.
New Reader
7/6/09 1:24 p.m.
How do you guys afford to feed all those cars?
jikelly wrote:
How do you guys afford to feed all those cars?
It's quite simple really, some are projects that will be gotten to in due time, when it's available and the honey do list is finished.
New Reader
7/6/09 1:38 p.m.
My old mustang need stuff and I can't do anything about it. Autozone wont take lint for parts.
jikelly wrote:
How do you guys afford to feed all those cars?
The same way a heroin addict feeds theirs. Desperation and continuing effort.
Actually, I find tags/insurance to be the biggest problem. Luckily, out of the 9 that I have, fewer than half run at any given time, so I don't carry insurance on them until they do.
At the end of the day, it's not a cheap hobby.
7/6/09 3:15 p.m.
56 Velam isetta
66 Corvair Turbo
79 Cadillac
86 Fiero GT Northstar 32V V8
92 Civic Cx Turbo
00 Civic SIR
When you get bored of 1 project...move tot he next..I have automotive A.D.D
and i have the sudduviosion hating me cause of some of the stuff i have sitting around.
82 olds delta dd/autocrosser
66 car
88 monty carlo stock car(autocross/drifter...hoping)
at least i can say they all run and move.....but i am thinking of letting the olds go in trade for a subby i think.....
New Reader
7/6/09 6:28 p.m.
I had to quit this game when I reached four and had to ask the wife if I could borrow her car to get to work.
Gosh . . . I'm REALLY normal
2000 Dodge Dakota - DD, 1993 BMW 350is - Project, 1991 Suzuki Bandit 400 - Project all most done, 1994 Ford Explorer - Wifey mobile.
Spinout007 wrote:
Oh yeah my wife just reminded me, we're getting a new to us 02 sonoma from my mother in law this week.
on a side note my wife has slowed me down by mandating she gets a new dog every time I get a new vehicle, 3 Rat terriers (yeah they actually hunt the mice that find their way inside) rat terrier/king cavalier mix, rat terrier/chi mix, My husky I had before we got together, the boogie monster(boston terrier) and a stray that I found in the middle of the road when he was about 7 weeks old according to the vet, who appears to be a Mastiff mix of some sort lovingly reffered to as the food bank aka Bankie. oh yeah and the stray cat my wife had to save, who is absolutly nuts, aka zoomie, so is that to many? Thank goodness we live out in the country.
anybody want a large puppy or a cat?
I get a new dog about the same time I get a new vehicle and don't even have a wife to do it for me. There are three Siberian Huskies at the house now. I have had up to 10. I had to get a Border Collie to help me sort all the huskies out.
59 cars here!
Mustangs, Miatas, Beetles, Kits, Escorts, Turbo stuff,
Big blocks, Crewcabs, Diesels, motorcycles, gocarts even some normal stuff.
This years plan to reduce the number has resulted in 7 bought and 2 sold.
My name is Bruce and I don't need fewer toys...I need more play time!!
ding ding ding, we have a weiner
7/6/09 11:28 p.m.
jikelly wrote:
How do you guys afford to feed all those cars?
When they don't drive, they go on "PNO" Planned Non-Operation = $10 one time fee for most (doesn't matter how many years it stays on PNO) and, if they're value is low enough, they come off insurance. I do have a couple that are on PNO and still have full coverage "agreed value" insurance.
If we're adding Motorcycles to this list, I have 3... 1983 Yamaha XJ-750R (Seca), 1992 Suzuki Katana 600 and a 2002 Suzuki GZ250.
ww wrote:
jikelly wrote:
How do you guys afford to feed all those cars?
When they don't drive, they go on "PNO" Planned Non-Operation = $10 one time fee for most (doesn't matter how many years it stays on PNO) and, if they're value is low enough, they come off insurance. I do have a couple that are on PNO and still have full coverage "agreed value" insurance.
I wish there was something like that here in Georgia. We still have to pay property tax ("ad velorem") on cars here..
When I could finally put a tag on the black Corrado (won't pass emissions, don't ask) after we moved to a county without the tests, I had to pay three years of ad valorem, since I'd been dumb enough to title the car here immediately after I bought it.
The only break I ever got was when I'd done without a legal plate on the Golf for about 5 years or so (times were tough right after I got divorced). For the first three years, my friends that sold cars let me cut the sticker off the plates they were going to toss away, and super-glue it to my old plate. For the next two, I just let the Golf and the green Corrado share a plate.
Only came close to getting busted once...I broke a clutch cable on the Golf at a busy intersection, and the only guy who would stop long enough to call a tow for me was a county cop. The officer "tuned out" when dispatch said "Volkswagen" when he ran my plate (looking for warrants, I guess).
When I finally could affort to legalize the Golf, it had fallen out of the State's "system", and I only had to pay for two years of ad vel, because the woman at the tag office was so impressed that I'd told the truth about not having it plated up for so long. 
ww wrote:
If we're adding Motorcycles to this list, I have 3... 1983 Yamaha XJ-750R (Seca), 1992 Suzuki Katana 600 and a 2002 Suzuki GZ250.
Man, maybe I should think about bikes again...I always said I'd get another one if I moved back out to the sticks. They sure seem to take up a lot less room..