53 in August. Won my first club overall solo championship in 1984 or 5, won the western Canadian regional road race overall championship in 2009.
Didn't turn a wheel in anger through the 90's, what with building a small business and having a couple of daughters. I still own the car I won the solo championship in, but its sitting in a storage container waiting for...something, I guess.
53 and my birthday coincides with when the US dropped the bomb on Nagasaki. Or the day Jerry Garcia died.
I won my last 5 races, and life is great, but I'll offer to those younger than me - take it easy on the body.
54 and feel like 75 sometimes....

I'm probably one of the youngins on this board at 19, but I look and act (hopefully) older than that! I only have one year on my Miata though...
51.Starting to look like what I remember my grandfather look liked.
BlindPirate wrote:
51.Starting to look like what I remember my grandfather look liked.
Like a handsome badass? That's what I think of my grandfathers looking like.
motomoron wrote:
I'll offer to those younger than me - take it easy on the body.
I was always one of the youngest in the shops I worked in, even into my 40s. The older guys would always say: Wait till you hit 50. Pffft, I thought. Yup, they were right.
fasted58 wrote:
motomoron wrote:
I'll offer to those younger than me - take it easy on the body.
I was always one of the youngest in the shops I worked in, even into my 40s. The older guys would always say: Wait till you hit 50. Pffft, I thought. Yup, they were right.
I have been pretty easy on mine.. but I still have a touchy shoulder and arthritus or something is creeping into my right foot. It just gets really stiff easily if I kneel for any length of time with the foot extended. Otherwise, I am good to go for another 42 years 

This picture pretty much covers it from start to present.
NOHOME wrote:
This picture pretty much covers it from start to present.
Oh, the bugeye! I've wanted one of those since I was a teenager! Had to settle on a late model Midget...
Just "celebrated" the 5th anniversary of my 21st beerthday.
Old enough to know that sleeping on a mates floor for 3 nights isn't a good idea, but young enough to do it anyways.
dean1484 wrote:
You know you are old when people start talking about the good old days of racing and you realize that you were a participant in said "good old days"
Even worse...when one of the "old timers" asks you about something that happened back in the day...and it involves a Volvo 544!
NOHOME wrote:
This picture pretty much covers it from start to present.
I don't know where you live, but I sure know an Ontario subdivision when I see one. Oakville? Mississauga? Burlington?
43, but got called a 20-something yesterday. i guess it could be worse. im older than all of my cars right now.
5/29/13 10:27 p.m.
1 year younger than my Elky.
Young enough to still drink some of you under the table, old enough to have absolutely no interest in proving it.
Old enough to remember Neil Armstrong's first step on the moon, Richard Petty before he wore a hat (and his 1st Daytona win), and have seen all 47 Superbowls.
I've got kids older than a lot of you. I've also got kids younger than a lot of your kids!