Often considered to be the first M-car despite being designed and built before the founding of BMW Motorsport GMBH, the BMW 3.0 CSL was, essentially, the race car version of the CS—itself a sort of two-door grand tourer.
The key to the CSL was the L, which stood for lightweight (actually, it…
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11/25/20 10:15 a.m.
Wait, so if you take a CS, gut all the weight out of it to make it a CSL and then the weight back in, isn't it just a CS again?
It was just a way to charge the cusomter for removing weight, and then charging them again to put it back in. Apparently, it didn’t work all that well.
11/25/20 1:08 p.m.
Didn't the CSL using thinner body panels even for the steel cars?