11/12/18 12:39 p.m.
Plastidipping the Miata. I’m goin with a crazy lime and dark blue theme. I’d like it to look like the car is dark blue, but the whole front end ran into a wall of lime green paint and it soaked everything up to about middle door. So I know I can paint the half and half colors, but where they meet I need to make it so that the Lyme appears to be dripping back towards the rear of the car and not in a uniform way.
Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re our only hope
Careful masking of an artificial splash pattern. Boring, I know, but it'll work...I don't know any other way to do it with aerosol-applied paint.
11/12/18 1:22 p.m.
Outside the box thinking led to me mask a half assed line, spray, and then “flick” paint in the direction I want for a more random pattern. A cardboard cutout would be a good start to randomness.
Strong fan aimed at front of car like those used in Dyno shops, cheap spray bottle with paint or let it drip off something like a cutting board you sprayed heavily onto into the wind.
paint fenders and nose green
take off doors.
place them veritically,
paint them that way..
let paint run..
take off hood. place verticaly and paint it. let it run naturally.
( you can remove panels from the car!. )
masterjr33 said:
paint fenders and nose green
take off doors.
place them veritically,
paint them that way..
let paint run..
take off hood. place verticaly and paint it. let it run naturally.
( you can remove panels from the car!. )
I actually thought about using such a technique, but you'd get extra-thick goopy paint where you applied enough to let it run. Especially with plasti-dip, it'll practically build a mound before it runs. If it were brush-on paint, this would work.
11/12/18 2:26 p.m.
Both true. Not a bad idea though. Maybe let it run and then I could use a sponge or paint brush to stroke out the build up. You guys are full of ideas!
If the Plastidip is thick enough, painting the whole car blue (or at least the entire panels that have the splash effect on them) and then having the "splashies" painted on would really emphasize its splashieness. I'd probably use a stencil on the edges.
11/12/18 4:52 p.m.
Plastidip doesn't have to be aerosol. Is the color you want available in a liquid that could be 'Jackson Pollack-ed' onto the panels after you spray the bulk of the color?
Are we talking ribbons of paint Jackson Pollock style, or speckles like traditional GM trunk paint? To do speckles, you want the paint to start drying mid-air. If you are using a gun, turn the air up until the desired effete is achieved.
You can paint the large areas of the secondary splash color like normal but with a random wavy pattern where it meets the primary color and just splash the wavy edges by spraying the PlastiDip directly into the bristles of a fat paint brush then shake the paint off onto the car where the two colors meet.
Thin the plastidip and throw it on via a bucket? Never done plastidip so that may be useless advice
You would want to practice this first... but if you can get your splatter color out of the aerosol can and into a shallow saucer or equivalent, then hold it and an air hose with sprayoff nozzle and shoot the air nozzle into the paint and watch it 'splode onto the wall/room/car you are trying to hit. With practice, timing, finesse and some luck it can produce a spectrum of effect. From GM trunk splatter to zombie apocalypse splatter.
11/12/18 6:05 p.m.
Any pics of what you are trying to achieve?
Can you dribble the paint down the transition line while using a leaf blower to flow it towards the back?
11/12/18 8:33 p.m.
My gawd... you people have ingenuity. That leaf blower trick? I’m gonna use that right ther!
Nickelodeon has some ideas you may be interested in

In reply to EastCoastMojo :

11/13/18 12:31 a.m.
If only it dried thin... welp. I tried it today. Looks pretty good. I’ll post pics when done.
11/13/18 5:02 a.m.
Appleseed said:
In reply to EastCoastMojo :

Holy E36 M3! I used to watch that as a kid, couldn't for the life of me remember what it was called, just remembered a bit of the intro and the slime.... I was almost starting to think it was the Mandela effect at work. THANK YOU!
11/13/18 10:35 a.m.
In reply to daeman :
"You can't do that on television"
A little late to the party, but this guy did something interesting.
11/13/18 3:55 p.m.
Oh do I ever have a review about dipyourcar.com, a.k.a. DiddleYourChildren.com, aka DudeYouCant.com, aka Don’tYankCats.com...
I'd find a pattern I like, make it digital, get someone to cut it in vinyl and use that as the mask.