It has the BOSE, not that I've ever really been impressed with the BOSE systems in my old 350Z or my wife's Mazda 3, but this car has it.
I actually really like the NC, so I'd like to spend some money on it making it a better car. I will do suspension/wheels/tires/tune at some point, but I think right now, a better stereo would make me much happier.
Any suggestions?
Assuming the front end still works fine, I'd suggest a nice power amp and some new speakers. I like dealing with Crutchfield.
Go geek out at Crutchfield. Their support for one of my older cars was excellent.
The one in my NC sucks too. I actually had it replaced 3 times under warranty when it quit working all together. It's strange as most of the radio is in the face plate and then add it the steering wheel controls and well..................I just don't have an answer for you. It doesn't really bother me much anymore as the car is a weekend/nice weather/auto cross toy so I usually have the top down and have the radio off anyway. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.
Hmmm, I've read good things about replacing the door speakers with Clearwater or Focal's (had a set of these in an older car YES they are good) but didn't know if they stock headunit/amp was worthy of keeping.