californiamilleghia said:
Does UPS have a website with this information ? Might be good for all of us since they put millions of miles on a week !
He and I used to be competitors. I drove for FedEx out by Bent Vavle's neck of the woods. I can't speak for UPS but I can tell you some of what we learned that changed how I drove, mind you I'm rusty on the details
Stay a car length (or was it 3) back from the intersection, even at a stoplight. That way, if someone hits you from behind you won't be pushed into the intersection.
Light doesn't turn green for you until the car in front of you gets off their brakes
Wait 3 seconds before the light turns green [for you] before proceeding. The first 3 seconds are when wrecks happen
Right turns only onto a street
1 second following distance per ten miles an hour
Look and plan 2 (or 3?) stoplights ahead, not just paying attention to the bumper in front of you. This will help you avoid traffic snarls too since you don't want to waste time just sitting there
Give space any time you stop and plan for an opening in case someone rushes your vehicle; thieves don't target people who have options
Never back into a busier thoroughfare than the one you're on (i.e. a parking lot is a busier thoroughfare than a parking space so always back into your spot)
Backing into a spot is better than pulling in and backing out anyway because when you immediately back in, the scene is fresh in your mind, but when you back out after you've made your delivery, the scene is stale because it takes a couple seconds to get in the truck, start it, buckle, check where you're going next. In that amount of time you can assume a small child has crawled under your truck tire
The biggest, most difficult part in passing the driving test was having an instructor ride with me for a full day in a rental box truck and I had to maintain a running commentary on everything I saw, everything I noticed. It was HARD to do! Like, "I see there's someone in that parked car I need to pay attention, are they going to open the door or pull into traffic? I see a child playing in that yard I need to slow down and make sure I know where they are as I pass. I see a car slowing down up ahead, what is it they see that I don't see why they are doing that? Oh, it was because they are turning without using their turn signal. I see someone getting into their car down the street..." It was stressful but I will 100% make my kids do that over and over again with me.
Oh yeah, box truck cone slalom forward and reverse was no cake walk either, learning that big vehicles take a while to react to your steering input
ANYWAY, back to buying a Mustang, thanks, I'll check FB. Of course I should have figured FB was the best place for car groups nowadays, thanks ddavidv