I rebuilt my spare M42 this summer and will probably just stash it away until I blow up the one in the car someday (assuming I do). I plan to keep it in my garage. Any suggestions on ways to make sure that nothing "goes bad" on it (primarily concerned with the cylinder walls getting rusty from humidity in the air, though I did coat them in oil before reassembly).
Any hints?
when i stored my 306 longblock we coated it all in oil and wrapped it tightly in multiple coats of plastic. then stored it on a shelf in a non humidity controlled garage. it sat for 3 years before i pulled it out to sell and the cylinders were still perfect.
quick edit, tape off/plug as many of the holes as possible right after oiling.
There are products on the market that you can spray on and once the carrier agent evaporates it leaves a film on the surface that will seal the bare metal and prevent rust, etc. Then all you have to do at the time of install is wipe down those surfaces with some solvent and your good to go. Also I would get a couple of HD plastic bags and double bag the block/engine. Once their sealed that engine is good for storage for a long time as long as you keep it in a dry place. If you can also get some desiccant bags and place them inside the bag. It can't hurt.
It's not going into your e21 anymore? What's the plan there?
The fogging oil is good. Avoid WD-40. Also good is to use Lubriplate on all bearings and camshaft running surfaces, which I expect you may have done, anyway.
Would it be a good idea to put some dissicant inside the bag with the engine (not in direct contact with the engine) to keep suspended moisture in the sealed in air from condensing on the block?
12/9/14 7:23 a.m.
There a guy who adverts in Hemmings that sells "Spark plugs" that don't spark but have Desiccant inside. to help keep the rust down.
add 1# of uncooked rice )in a sock, or other material that the rice wont fall from, but allows moisture to pass) inside the wrapped plastic
2002maniac wrote:
It's not going into your e21 anymore? What's the plan there?
Long story short: got bored with the project, had no real end-goal, would rather spend my time and money making the e30 into a full stage-rally build over the next couple years and doing some home/garage projects. I figure someone else can turn it into a nice restoration. I already have the GT6 for tooling around on weekends anyhow, and have a daily driver I enjoy. e21 is the odd man out, so to say.
Alternately, my Chumpcar team e30 owner was talking about getting the e21 and just turning it into a track car. We'll see what happens.
So selling off the rolling shell and probably holding onto the M42, in the eventuality that I blow up the one in the car (or I'll sell it off if someone offers me a good deal).
I have other project ideas in mind down the road, but for the moment, its the e30. I didn't do much on it last winter, figuring I could win the rally-x season. Then I finished 2nd again. So I need to make the car faster since apparently I can't make my driving faster, lol.
Thanks for the advice everyone, by the way. 
if it doesn't have intake and exhaust manifolds installed, duct tape over the open ports before bagging.