Found this over scrolling though the groups on the book of faces...
Color me quite impressed.
Makes it look so damn easy. Now to just bust out some metal, mig welder, and my conversion idea. 
I sure love the looks of a bare shell. And it’s quite the undertaking. I’m not sure though, I think I’d just sell the Probe and build the Miata
12/4/17 5:30 a.m.
Wow, love to see that much work go into something. But dang there's some hours into that.
I hope it drives like he hopes it does.
Has a whiff of Minnesota about it. Long winters up there.....
12/4/17 6:37 a.m.
Lesson learned with the MOLVO...if doing a chassis swap, do it with a chassis that fits. Ideally one that you can literally drive under the body.
If you skip the chassis mods and engine swaps and plan your firewall cuts ahead of time, this does not have to be a big deal for anyone that can weld tin.
Here is a link to someone who got it right.