During some bored CL-browsing last night (as one does), I noticed there was an SBY NA Miata for sale locally. I'm pretty sure I was circling the same car last year but decided to give it a miss on account of having my left foot in an aircast. Either that or someone around here has a big stash of similarly looking SBY NAs.
Despite needing another vehicle like I need a hole in my head and the potential for massive eye rolling from the other half, I decided to go look at it this morning. Hey, my wife is out of town so I might as well look at cars, right?
(Un?)fortunately by the time I was coherent enough to make a phone call this morning, the ad had been deleted. So I took out the Miata I do own to remind me why buying another might not be necessary. Plus I can spend the money I would have used to buy the SBY to buy what is considered (in the UK) to be the best upgraded intercooler for the R53...
Gratuitous ND shot from this morning: