2/4/12 3:04 p.m.
A while back, I bought a 46 year old Mustang. It was solid, but needed a bit of freshening. Today, I gave it a sympathetic restoration.
Here's what I started with:

I spent about four minutes with a can of WD4 and, once again, it was mechanically perfect.
Then I turned to the cosmetics. In the spirit of the GRM ShelbyGT 350, I chose to preserve the patina and only address what was absolutely necessary. I gave it a good cleaning, replaced the grill, tail lights and upholstery.
I also removed and polished the windshield. I started with 0000 steel wool, then wet sanded with several grades of fine sand paper, rubbing compound, toothpaste (really) and then finished with Meguire's #17 and #10 plastic polish. This was, by far, the most time consuming portion of the project. All the scratches came out, but it's still a little yellowed. None of this effort shows in the final photos.

Up on the lift:

Why, yes. That is awesome!
Very nice. Can I have it?
Sweet, this really turned my E36 M3y day around. Thank you.
Wow, that turned out really nice! I think leaving the patina was the right choice.
2/4/12 4:40 p.m.
I restored one for my best friend to match his '66 Springtime Yellow convertible (he also had a two year old son at the time).
Even back then (15-16 years) , the parts were expensive!
2/4/12 4:57 p.m.
Love it, that's just beautiful! 
Is that only a six? I don't see any "V" on the fender. 
2/4/12 5:54 p.m.
carguy123 wrote:
Where's the GRM sticker?
Hmmmmm...I only have full size ones. If only I could procure a couple of smaller ones from somewhere...
Good looking 'Stang.
When's the Coyote 5.0 swap?
2/4/12 9:36 p.m.
Looks like it leaves something to be desired in the leg room department. 
2/5/12 6:31 a.m.
MG Bryan wrote:
Looks like it leaves something to be desired in the leg room department.
Wrong! Leg room is unlimited!
That is too cool, I haz much jealousy.
2/5/12 8:40 a.m.
You will never get FTD on those tires! Step it up, man!