colinshark New Reader
6/19/23 6:22 p.m.

I think we can all agree that the world's worst EV is more pleasant that this thread.

Steve_Jones SuperDork
6/19/23 7:06 p.m.
Appleseed said:

In reply to AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) :

I'll tell you this once. It's not that people don't believe you, or are afraid of facts and truth, as you say.

It's your tone.

Please tell me how you know the tone with written words. Could it be the way you're reading it based on his username?

parker HalfDork
6/19/23 8:03 p.m.

I can't believe this thread is still going.  I'm posting just to up the post count even higher.


Wally (Forum Supporter)
Wally (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
6/19/23 8:17 p.m.
Toyman! said:

60! 60! 60!


Let's go 60!!!

Almost there

frenchyd MegaDork
6/19/23 8:37 p.m.
AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) said:
Opti said:

I'm In reply to frenchyd :

This is a dumb analogy. Bending down to pick up gold is "free" as in there is no real opportunity cost. Solar and wind are some of the least power dense energy sources. As in they use large amounts of space, they arent "free." There are competing interests for the capital, resources and land they use.

Also there are plenty of other issues that we've discussed ad nauseam in this thread, the smallest of which is energy density

This argument for wind and solar also forgets all the steel needed, concrete and diesel fuel burned to get all that stuff spread out all over.  You can't do any of it without steel which requires coal and fuel which requires oil.  Solar and wind power is anything but free, but I know I'm a bad guy for injecting any small bit of reality into any "discussion."

If those points require a "source" then the education problem is worse than I ever dreamed.  I've provided evidence of that in the past only to watch people "debunk" it by claiming it doesn't exist.  

Common sense ain't so common no more.  

You make a valid point regarding steel and concrete with Wind.  Remarkably there never has been a shortage of those materials. At least none that affected me.  Sure prices sometimes go up ( and down)  but I've accepted that as part of life.  
 Fortunately steel is easily recycled.  Concrete too can be recycled. Or at least reused.  
   Steel and concrete are typically not used in solar. I suppose in  solar farms some is used to raise the panels up out of the grass.  But again there is no shortage.  
  To the best of my knowledge even the most green advocate isn't saying stop producing things. 

Steve_Jones SuperDork
6/19/23 8:37 p.m.
Wally (Forum Supporter) said:
Toyman! said:

60! 60! 60!


Let's go 60!!!

Almost there

20 more posts to go. We can do this!

Tom1200 UberDork
6/19/23 8:46 p.m.

In reply to Steve_Jones :

Yeah I see 60 and 1500 coming.

frenchyd MegaDork
6/19/23 8:56 p.m.
Boost_Crazy said:

In reply to AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) :

So yah, the grid isn't being managed in a way that supports the all EV dream.  There was a Berkeley (yes ultra liberal pro EV Berkeley) that said California's grid capacity needs to increase 20% to meet their EV goals.  I'm sure you'll try and blame this on me though and give me some nonsense about "your sources."  Or perhaps you'll try and explain to me how solar panels are "the grid."

I know that you already know this, but just pointing out for others that this doesn't mean we need to just need to add 20% more. It means that much of existing infrastructure needs to be largely scrapped and replaced. 

And before someone mentions batteries yet again, they are an expensive solution to the problem that large scale renewables bring to the grid. Pretty much any problem can be solved "easily" if you just ignore cost. 

If you would follow the trends in batteries you'd find out there are some very inexpensive batteries available and starting to be used.  
 I'm referring to stationary batteries. Different from Vehicle batteries. 
  One of the least expensive is the Air steel battery.  It makes electricity by rusting and recharged when the rust is neutralized. 
  Georgia is installing a 15,000 megawatt system.   
   Aside from that Sodium Ion is a cheap battery source.   Sodium is right next to lithium on the periodic element chart  and is really cheap. 
  Not dense enough for auto use but home storage  where space isn't hyper critical a affordable alternative.  
   Even Lithium has been made affordable by using Lithium oxide.  
  Lithium is very plentiful.   The Salton Sea in Southern California is home to a massive discovery of Lithium.    
Prices of lithium are now down 50% over last year as more and more discoveries have been made.  
  What is happening too is Lithium oxide is being used in some batteries.   Since it doesn't have to be made into a metal there is a dramatic cost savings. 
  Yes it has to be combined with manganese  to work but Manganese is a readily available commodity. 

frenchyd MegaDork
6/19/23 9:12 p.m.

EV airplanes?  
   If you look,  Tesla has a 500+ horsepower motor that weighs 194 pounds   A Piper cub's 27 horsepower engine is lighter at 144 pounds .   But nothing approaching 500 horsepower could be built so light. 
      Some of the newest batteries  are light enough and powerful enough  to power them.   Examples are shown n flight. 
it shouldn't really be news considering  electric drones are flying around for kids to play with 
     MIT just introduced a. 1 Megawatt motor  capable of powering a small private Jet sized airplane. 

Appleseed MegaDork
6/19/23 9:19 p.m.
Steve_Jones said:
Appleseed said:

In reply to AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) :

I'll tell you this once. It's not that people don't believe you, or are afraid of facts and truth, as you say.

It's your tone.

Please tell me how you know the tone with written words. Could it be the way you're reading it based on his username?

This is far from pleasant:

"I have a very simple reply to the it takes 3-8 years to drill a well.  It devolved into people that can't admit to simple truth.  I'm supposed to suck up to that?  Hard pass.  Tone huh?  Well it was an earned response.  My tone is adjusted to match the input."

If it was a one off, bad day response, I wouldn't think twice. But this vibe has been in numerous threads for months, if not longer.

There are more than auditory ways to read tone. I agree that it is often mistaken using the written word, but as a def man, I've learned to use other things besides sound to understand someone.

Steve_Jones SuperDork
6/19/23 9:49 p.m.

In reply to Appleseed :

I'd guess the easy answer is if you don't like his "tone" don't click on the thread. At this point it's 85% those 2, and 15% jokes. 

Tom1200 UberDork
6/19/23 11:25 p.m.

In reply to Steve_Jones :

Two EVs walk into a bar..........we'll see what that does to your percentages.

Appleseed MegaDork
6/19/23 11:32 p.m.
Steve_Jones said:

In reply to Appleseed :

I'd guess the easy answer is if you don't like his "tone" don't click on the thread. At this point it's 85% those 2, and 15% jokes. 

100% agree.

bobzilla MegaDork
6/20/23 12:12 a.m.
colinshark said:

I think we can all agree that the world's worst EV is more pleasant that this thread.

I want to agree with you but there are sone truly horrendous Uber cheap ev's. They make the first Hyundai excels look refined, upscale and luxurious. 

bobzilla MegaDork
6/20/23 12:13 a.m.
Steve_Jones said:

In reply to Appleseed :

I'd guess the easy answer is if you don't like his "tone" don't click on the thread. At this point it's 85% those 2, and 15% jokes. 

You forgot girthy throwing in his jabs for about 2.3%. 

AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter)
AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) UberDork
6/20/23 12:48 a.m.
Appleseed said:
Steve_Jones said:
Appleseed said:

In reply to AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) :

I'll tell you this once. It's not that people don't believe you, or are afraid of facts and truth, as you say.

It's your tone.

Please tell me how you know the tone with written words. Could it be the way you're reading it based on his username?

This is far from pleasant:

"I have a very simple reply to the it takes 3-8 years to drill a well.  It devolved into people that can't admit to simple truth.  I'm supposed to suck up to that?  Hard pass.  Tone huh?  Well it was an earned response.  My tone is adjusted to match the input."

If it was a one off, bad day response, I wouldn't think twice. But this vibe has been in numerous threads for months, if not longer.

There are more than auditory ways to read tone. I agree that it is often mistaken using the written word, but as a def man, I've learned to use other things besides sound to understand someone.

Still a lot of pot calling the kettle black.  The number of people that can admit 10 > 0.33 so far is zero.  Sorry that level of denial doesn't cause me to generate pleasant tones.  The fact is something that blatantly dishonest doesn't deserve pleasantries.  Your expectations of me are unreasonable.  You sure wouldn't require them of yourself.  The fact you are demanding it from me and no one else is peak irony.  I'm not ever going to be pleasant to anyone that lies to my face.  But by all means, the show must go  on!  And that's what this is, it's a show.  It isn't an open and honest discussion.  Those are simply not possible here no matter how much back patting occurs in favor of it. 

You want pleasant?  Well that's a two way steet. Crazy huh?  

Toyman! MegaDork
6/20/23 7:59 a.m.
Steve_Jones said:

In reply to Appleseed :

I'd guess the easy answer is if you don't like his "tone" don't click on the thread. At this point it's 85% those 2, and 15% jokes. 

Jokes, I can't imagine anyone would have jokes in here... This is such a serious conversation. 

I walked into an electric car dealership, I asked them how much they charge.

If Dodge made an electric car... Would it be called a Dodge Chargeable?

Due to increased fuel costs and because electric cars are so expensive, legislators voted today to reintroduce horse and buggy. The vote failed: one yea, 35 neigh.

Two electric car owners were seen today fighting over a charging port. The police have said it was a charged environment and they will amp up patrols around area. A lot of witnesses were shocked and some saw someone socket to the other.


Don't forget to tip the waitress. 



Come on 60!!

6/20/23 8:45 a.m.

 It's even funnier when you can take 10 seconds to make a single sentence comment with a link, and get page-long responses in impotent rage. It is all for our glorious goal, of 60 pages.

bobzilla said:
Steve_Jones said:

In reply to Appleseed :

I'd guess the easy answer is if you don't like his "tone" don't click on the thread. At this point it's 85% those 2, and 15% jokes. 

You forgot girthy throwing in his jabs for about 2.3%. 

None shall find me wanting yes

Indy - Guy
Indy - Guy UltimaDork
6/20/23 8:56 a.m.

Did someone say push towards 60 ?

Indy - Guy
Indy - Guy UltimaDork
6/20/23 8:57 a.m.

Indy - Guy
Indy - Guy UltimaDork
6/20/23 9:00 a.m.

Indy - Guy
Indy - Guy UltimaDork
6/20/23 9:02 a.m.

Ok, last one.


ConiglioRampante New Reader
6/20/23 10:05 a.m.

Onward and upward!

parker HalfDork
6/20/23 10:48 a.m.

Argle bargle

mblommel Dork
6/20/23 11:05 a.m.

I love the inclusion of the wackadoo conspiracy theories about political figures in a post about electric cars. Can we add in aliens next?

This topic is locked. No further posts are being accepted.

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