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kanaric New Reader
1/19/13 7:35 a.m.

About 5 years ago before I joined the Air Force I lived in Chicago and there were always nice modded Hondas, VWs, and generally cars that I guess you would classify as sport compacts around town. Sure there was some "jdm yo" E36 M3 but there generally was a lot of nice, fast, tastefully modded small cars. DSMs, Neons, etc. In fact there were a lot of car shows I would go to in that area where there were lots full of them. Around this time I owned a '03 350z that I had since '05 and the Z "scene" was also great like this.

Fast foward to today. Live in Vegas now, out of the military. Seems whenever I see modded imports or cars of this type everything is ridiculous over the top cartoony. IDK how else to put it. Nobody really has any decent power mods or nice rides at all. Every Z even seems to be about "stance" and a STI is how many LCD screens you can put into the car. I have a Subaru now and before, when I first was into the car, it was about performance and a lot of autocrossers seemed to own them but now when I go to a meet it seems everyone only cars how big of a sub they can put into their car so they can test how many liters of blood come out of their ears listening to Kanye.

IDK I guess I remember in 2003 a coworker at the job I had while I was in college bought a Z28 camaro and said he was "modding" it and showed me what his "mods" were and it was just a massive sub in the back, lol. I guess that was the beginning of it all right there.

Its just kind of funny that I remember people with EG civics actually building them to be decent cards but now driving the streets of Vegas everything is hellaflush (or is it stanced now?) with strange as berkeley mods on it like out of a "Japan is weird" youtube video.

Another weird thing is that in the 90s and earlier my Dad was into VWs. MK2 GTIs in particular. I never remember VW modding and enthusiast communities being about what model air ride you need to install on the car and what strange color mesh wheels to put on it. I don't think i've seen a single MK2 GTI in recent years that didn't fit that category. In fact if you go to Vortex and look in any thread where people post their MK2-MK4 GTI (havn't look at later) its nothing but this.

I guess this is kind of a rant but I pulled into the parking lot today at work and I saw a hellaflush MR2 turbo, two hideously modded MK4 GTIs, and on the way here I saw a S2000 with the most insane camber ever conceived by man. Aside from the daily spotting of Honda Civics that look like out of the movie Loopers or some kind of Salvador Dali painting. My friends and I are enthusiasts and sometimes we drive around town just to spot insanity, this is vegas afterall, has become an easy game.

IDK, has the VW, Honda, and general import scene people lost all taste and sense or have I? I mean when I was in college and around the time I bought my 350z the most people would do as far as what I would consider tasteless was putting "altezza lights" on every car. At least though the "scene" people would make their cars handle and drive fast.

I'm starting to think though maybe this is because I moved from the Midwest to crazytown. Maybe this is just a California/Nevada west coast thing.

I'm sorry if this offends anyone. I don't come here often so I don't know peoples opinions here on these things, this is just my opinion. I mean when I start to see S2000s commonly with what looks like -10 degree camber I just feel.... disappointment.

The_Jed Dork
1/19/13 7:41 a.m.

Sounds like you'll fit right in here!

Spoolpigeon HalfDork
1/19/13 8:02 a.m.

I agree, the scene has gone to E36 M3 over the last couple years. It seems that looks have overtaken performance and I just don't get some of the trends.

I drove the s2000 to work yesterday. Young guy with a 3g eclipse (yuck) comes in and asks if the s2k is mine. I say yes and he says 'I love those things....what stereo is in it?'

sachilles SuperDork
1/19/13 8:02 a.m.

I think you might encountering something that is somewhat regional. Car culture is all over the map around the country.

aussiesmg UltimaDork
1/19/13 8:14 a.m.

I am happy to say I have never seen a Hellaflush car in Ohio and I drive 75K a year.

Classic muscle, 4x4 trucks and diesel power are the big things here

stuart in mn
stuart in mn PowerDork
1/19/13 8:29 a.m.

Sounds regional to me, very little of that in Minneapolis.

mazdeuce HalfDork
1/19/13 8:36 a.m.

I would love to see stanced out VW's. All there is by me are stacks, stacks and burnin' coal and truck nuts as far as the eye can see.

Vigo UltraDork
1/19/13 8:39 a.m.

I think we've all seen these things enough to be familiar with them, but i guess i have to agree it's regional to a large extent because i live in the 7th largesty city in the nation and still only rarely see such things.

Although, i bet that in the late 90s i saw a lot more lowriders than most of yall!

impulsive Reader
1/19/13 9:13 a.m.

blame the flatbrimmers

the current VW guys are hands down the worst, but being a stancetard is apparently contagious & has spread to BMW & Miata people as well.

fashion over function yo!

the Phoenix area is pretty bad: lots of the high dollar flush type crap and plenty of ghetto rice with some trailer park mullet trucks and camaros mixed in.

DeadSkunk Dork
1/19/13 9:59 a.m.

This is just the first sign that you are getting old.

mndsm PowerDork
1/19/13 9:59 a.m.
stuart in mn wrote: Sounds regional to me, very little of that in Minneapolis.

It's around. Go to Cars and Coffee in Chan sometime... whole row of useless VWs and Audis all slammed out. The VIP scene is creepin' too, but that seems to be more in the east metro- HUGE in the Hmong community.

DeadSkunk Dork
1/19/13 10:02 a.m.

I have a CooperS, a Miata and a MkII GTI. All are on stock suspension and still have their catalytic converters. This is a sure sign that I am old. Now get off my lawn !

kb58 HalfDork
1/19/13 10:06 a.m.

Shrug... tastes change over time. Also, emission laws severly cut down on engine mods, fewer people care to understand engine computers, fewer people have places to work on car engines - so what are you left with? Handing the car to a stereo or wheel and tire shop.

Meh, not worth my while to be concerned about them and I'll keep building my car from scratch.

MrJoshua PowerDork
1/19/13 10:15 a.m.

According to my F&F tuner scene education the hot bikini chicks hang around the dressed up cars with big stereos. The guys with the fast cars spend all their time driving away from the hot bikini chicks as fast as possible. Sounds like a good argument for dressed up rolling stereos to me.

M030 HalfDork
1/19/13 10:27 a.m.

Kanaric, I live in Massachusetts and have noticed similar trends. The real enthusiasts are still out there, and they read GRM not euro tuner. Part of the trouble might be that MK2 VWs and EG Civics are getting too old for most people to think of them as realistic transportation cars. I drive a 1991 Jetta and most people think I'm nuts when they find out that I drive "such an old car" every day. I remember when this happened with 1960s cars (in the early 90s)

kazoospec HalfDork
1/19/13 10:29 a.m.

Move to MI, our roads suck so bad that stanced cars don't last a block. The stereo issue remains unresolved.

iceracer UltraDork
1/19/13 10:44 a.m.

Lots of stickers and imitation seem to be the thing around here.

GameboyRMH PowerDork
1/19/13 10:51 a.m.

Congratulations on staying sheltered from ricer culture for so long, but yes they're the majority...everywhere.

BTW just to help you understand the various ricer sub-cultures, the crazy camber is a style called "oni kyan" or "demon camber" and it's some kind of stupid competition to run the most negative camber. The dumbest form of rice.

The 3ft projecting splitters, 5ft tall hood exhaust and 8ft tall wings are the "bosozoku" style and it's basically a comical exaggeration of the looks of retro Japanese race cars. These are the coolest ricers who realize and embrace the fact that their cars are stupid and ridiculous. That's the point. It's for the lulz.

The cars with 0.5" ride height are the shakotan style. It's basically making the car hellaflush with the ground.

The guys with the subs and LCDs, they're the ICE (In Car Entertainment) guys. Basically like home entertainment but they show off in a parking lot instead of having to invite each other over.

yamaha SuperDork
1/19/13 11:28 a.m.

Before I was more into performance, I'll admit I was into stereo stuff......but, I was into the SPL & SQL competition lot. I got out of it after getting to 145db......as my hearing started to go. Ive never put a sub or amp in a vehicle I own since.

I think part of it is generational, as the previous crowd grew up, ended up with families and such......whereas the new crowd is obsessed with looks plus fewer young people can afford vehicles today. Not to mention, many people would rather hang out on facebook, psn, xbl, etc with their friends than actually visit them in person.....so why would they need a license, car, etc.

mad_machine MegaDork
1/19/13 11:29 a.m.

I had a kid in an EG civic yesterday all but cut me off to get one spot ahead at the light. When it went green.. he couldn't shake the black volvo on his tail. I didn;t speed (much) but it was fun to watch him keep looking up into the mirror to see if the "old guy" in the volvo was still there.

stuart in mn
stuart in mn PowerDork
1/19/13 11:49 a.m.
mndsm wrote:
stuart in mn wrote: Sounds regional to me, very little of that in Minneapolis.
It's around. Go to Cars and Coffee in Chan sometime... whole row of useless VWs and Audis all slammed out. The VIP scene is creepin' too, but that seems to be more in the east metro- HUGE in the Hmong community.

Sure, there are some of them around, but not in large numbers. A lot of Lamborghinis show up at Cars and Coffee too, but that doesn't mean the streets are crawling with them.

Where I live in south Minneapolis there's a big Hmong population and their kids do tend to have their own tastes in modifications, but not very many of them are extreme.

poopshovel UltimaDork
1/19/13 12:15 p.m.

The sad old bone stock integra, loaded down with 6 tires got a "ricer fly by" from a berkeleying RX-8 on the highway yesterday. No provocation. Just went screaming by me (He had been cruising around 70, and I had the cruise set at 75,) then swung over into the slow lane (my lane) and slowed back down to 70. WTF!?!?

Soon after, I just pulled off and took the scenic route for the remaining 15 minutes of the drive to avoid the nuisance of the "WHERE THE berkeley IS THE CRUISE ON THIS THING!?" game. If I'm being honest, I was kind of hoping he'd see my blinker and take the lead, so I could eat his ass up in the twisties.

HappyAndy Dork
1/19/13 12:32 p.m.

I love dusting the ricers in ratty old SAAB c900 turbo

mndsm PowerDork
1/19/13 1:16 p.m.
stuart in mn wrote:
mndsm wrote:
stuart in mn wrote: Sounds regional to me, very little of that in Minneapolis.
It's around. Go to Cars and Coffee in Chan sometime... whole row of useless VWs and Audis all slammed out. The VIP scene is creepin' too, but that seems to be more in the east metro- HUGE in the Hmong community.
Sure, there are some of them around, but not in large numbers. A lot of Lamborghinis show up at Cars and Coffee too, but that doesn't mean the streets are crawling with them. Where I live in south Minneapolis there's a big Hmong population and their kids do tend to have their own tastes in modifications, but not very many of them are extreme.

We must go to different events then... I see em all over the place. Oh well.

LopRacer HalfDork
1/19/13 1:21 p.m.

I have been in the import scene as a casual observer for years and there have always been subsets. I used to go to NOPI Nationals carshow in it's hay day and man did I see soem interesting stuff. I am still kinds proud of my 3rd place win the second to last year I went in my stripped auto-X civic from my garage.

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