These brake pads from the rear of a 2014 F150 are obviously past their best, and we can all accept that, no matter where we are.
The thing that shocked me was that all four pads are worn evenly- within a millimeter. All 4 were touching steel somewhere.
That just never happens up here on the rear of a pickup. Are people from Tennessee confused by this? I betcha Pete isn't.
Edit: The Dorman box is just wheel nuts. Don't judge me...

Thats normal. The calipers ain't stuck. We don't treat our cars like savages down here....

Note to self, get some OE Ford brake slider grease. It must be some good stuff.
Dusterbd13-michael said:
Thats normal. The calipers ain't stuck. We don't treat our cars like savages down here....

The calipers don't necessarily stick, but the pads rust to the carriers. Happens to everything, even Brembos as I discovered with my Volvo.
The fun part is when you have a low/soft pedal because then pads are rusted so firmly that the caliper flexes the pads, which spring the piston back when you release the pedal. GM fullsize front drivers were bad for that.
Honda used to recommend pulling everything apart, filing the rust from the carriers, and relubing everything every 7500mi or so.
I started doing a full brake service to my stuff every fall a few yrs ago,no more premature brake issues since.
Yeah, I pull E36 M3 apart, clean and lube as needed every year, whether it needs brakes or not. The Rio gets it more often because I swapped pads and rotors more often.