I have my uncles old Charge Air Pro by Devibliss 5hp 20 gallon compressor. Is a twin cylinder oil lubed.
I've found pictures on the Googles, but no instructions. Is this the fill and drain plug?

Second, I know I need straight 20w, but how much to fill?
Seems odd, but yes, if there is nothing else. As to how much, level full, if there is no sight glass or dipstick anywhere.
I'd drain and measure, and make sure I put at least that much back in.
I've bought compressor oil, too. I really don't know if it's magic, or expensive engine oil.
Why don't you just go ahead and watch this video
It seems like not enough oil to me but apparently it's correct.
Compressor oil is non-detergent so it doesn't keep the dirt in suspension, but I just use whatever synthetic motor oil I have on hand. It's likely a far superior oil to what you're going to buy, and you probably won't use it enough for the non-detergent part to matter. And it's only a compressor. It's not doing much
My Quincy specs non-detergent 30w and seeing the kind of crap that settles in the bottom of the crankcase and since a new compressor head costs more than the engine I just put in my boat, that's what I run.
You might try this link. https://www.manualslib.com/manual/878636/Devilbiss-Air-Compressor.html?page=18#manual
Yes, 30 wt non-detergent is the spec.
Weird, my compressor specifically calls out synthetic 10w-30. It probably doesn't matter for the run hours of a typical hobbyist.
I buy CH compressor oil at HD. It's not very expensive and one bottle is enough. In regards to the linked instructions, I do not fill to the top of the oil fill, I fill to the bottom of the threads.
You need far less oil for things like a compressor. A car engine picks up a significant volume of oil and pumps it into all the oil galleries around the engine, all while doing turns, stops, and starts. The only thing that needs to do is dip the rod bearing in some oil and throw some up on the cylinder