This is what Sunday and Monday looked like.
So on Thursday, i notice that my AFRs are doing weird things at night while cruising on the highway. Randomly spiking up in the 17-18:1 range, car is bogging every time, just generally eating E36 M3. I figure out that it's due to a voltage drop. That night, i check all my grounds, fuel pump connections, etc etc etc... everything checks out. Battery voltage seems normal.
Then i let it warm up, and hit every accessory on, and we check voltage across the terminals. Drops randomly into the 9v range. Oops. Dead alternator.
Decide we'll fix it Sunday.
So Sunday, i figure out how to pull the alternator out of the car easily. (Helps to not have a real exhaust, and plan on doing an oil change at the same time.) My buddy and i then go down to my parts car and yank the alternator off that one as well, just in case for whatever reason. (Yay for sawzall!)
We go to the Autozone hub to pick up one of the only two alternators that they have in stock in probably... the entire state. I buy a new oil filter and some oil at the same time, since i crushed the old filter taking it off to make room to drop the alternator.
Go back to buddy's house. (Half an hour) Put on alternator, put on new filter, fill with oil. Start car. All systems go. Drive 2 miles down the road to have some welding done for Escort parts. Drive back. E36 M3 hits the fan, same problem, but worse.
Multimeter verifies huge voltage drops, alternator outputting less than 12v.
Call hub, have them hold the other alternator for me, tell them i'll be there in the morning to swap. Pull off alternator again. (Crushing 4 mile old oil filter in the process.)
Buddy has "new" alternator tested in the morning at autozone down the road. Failed every test with flying colors. SWMBO drives me up to the hub to meet him to swap alternators. (I had to call in to work. Yay.) We swap, request that they test the new alternator before we go back and put it on. This store doesn't have the N-10 lead necessary to test this alternator. I buy another oil filter.
We drive 30 minutes back to his house, this time being smart and having the new new alternator tested at the Autozone down the street. Another one DOA. Outputting only 11.5v on the test. We tested it three times to make sure.
Drive back to hub. (3rd trip in a day and a half!) Inform hub that the second new one is bad as well. Manager has a horrible attitude about the whole thing, saying something like "Well i feel like you're screwing us, and i can't even prove it because we don't have the lead to test this thing." Luckily, i had had the results printed out from the other store, and showed it. This seemed to make their attitude worse.
"Well, what do you want me to do about it? It's going to be a few days before i can get another one."
Yeah, well.... i just want my money and my core back.
Dude brings out wrong core. Gets E36 M3ty when i point out that it's not the right alternator. Tries to argue with me. I win argument.
Money and core are returned.
I call Advance, am told that their Castleton location has an alt for a 1990 MX6 GT automatic trans. Perfect, it's swappable. We drive there. Store doesn't have it. Store can order both manual and auto and have it by Noon. Perfect, we do this. Manager is nice and when the alternators arrive, he puts it in his inventory so we can order online and use coupons.
We go back and pick up alternator. Store can't test it. We drive back to Autozone that did all the prior testing. Their lead is now dead, can't test. Drive to ANOTHER Autozone, alternator tests out perfectly.
Go back to car, put on 3rd new alternator and 2nd new oil filter in 4 miles, car is fine.
Unfortunately, Autozone REALLY soured this whole experience. It's one thing to get a bad run of parts, it's REALLY another thing to spend a E36 M3load in gas to have to run back and forth between the hub and the other autozone because their damn HUB doesn't have the test lead to test oh i dunno... EVERY Mazda and Ford alternator made within a 2 decade period, and THEN get treated badly by the staff at the hub simply because they're selling me bad parts.
No more Autozone parts for me.