So with this whole HF recall going on got me thinking (plus i was ready to pull the trigger on a set of 4) what are my other options? I know the HF ones are only a select few but I know their quality isn't great and maybe I'm overthinking the whole thing but when I use jackstands its at a rally service and I have my friends underneath them, so I don't mind paying for piece of mind - anyone have any quality suggestions?
I see the hardware stores have them for 35-45 a pop but they are probably similar quality as HF, I may go this route but I want to hear from your experiences before I make a decision.
I mean you can buy the 100% made in america ones at $140/pair
All of the cheaper parts store ones will be made on the same production line in china, just painted a different color (or just a different sticker in some cases).
Source: I have Big Tourin (sp?) from Pep Boys, Big Red from Advance or AutoZone and, of course, Pittsburgh ones from HF. They're all the same.
I have a whole lot of Craftsman 3 ton jackstands that I bought at Ace Hardware for $32/pair, better quality and way cheaper than HF if you want something over 20" tall.
build your own rally pin stands
WonkoTheSane (Forum Supporter) said:
All of the cheaper parts store ones will be made on the same production line in china, just painted a different color (or just a different sticker in some cases).
Source: I have Big Tourin (sp?) from Pep Boys, Big Red from Advance or AutoZone and, of course, Pittsburgh ones from HF. They're all the same.
damn, I had a feeling this was the case.
MrChaos said:
build your own rally pin stands
my codriver has been egging me on for these but the chassis needs the update before I use these really and the next rally is in 3 weeks.
I don't like the fab work needed to install the recievers, especially in 30-40 year old 24 gauge Mazda Mystery Metal, but one neat thing I saw at a service park was someone using regular jack stands, on long pins in the receivers. So you get the servicability of pin stands and you get adjustable height for different situations. Downside is jackstands take up a lot more room than pin stands.
I know everyone uses them, but pin stands also scare me from the "won't that fold over?" perspective.
6/5/20 9:37 a.m.
Every time we have a jack stand thread, I put in a good word for Esco's. Inevitably, someone immediately jumps all over it and says, "Screw that, just get the ones from Harbor Freight".
Just get the Esco's.

6/5/20 9:38 a.m.
If you're willing to pay for quality the ESCO stands are awesome. Extra tall, with wider bases and foot pads than pretty much anything else I've seen and everything is super well built. I've used them a lot and they are great, but I could never justify them for my personal use, so I got a set of craftsman 4 ton stands. They're the same basic design as the HF stands but seem to be better made, with more contact area on the saddle and actual foot pads. When I bought them they were on sale and I think the whole set was $60 or so, for the price they are now I'd probably be inclined to pony up for the esco stands.
Edit: beaten to the punch by woody
Ranger QuickJack. If you're doing rally service, you'll be able to get the car higher and into service position faster than with jackstands. They've got a big footprint so they're not going to dig into gravel or dirt the way jackstands do. Yes, they cost money. But only once, and you can get rid of the jack and all that plywood and the futzing around.
Height compared to a typical jackstand. Which would you rather be under - and which would you rather lift the car with?
No affiliation, just someone who's been using them for years and who has his car in the air between every session at the track.

The ESCOs are indeed great.
In reply to sergio :
I like how the wheels are holding the car up and the jackstand is to support the tie rod lol.
In reply to Woody :
Got my harbor freight gift card from the recall and decided to order the escos on amazon. 55 bucks shipped and I really like the flat top pad to make me a bit more comfortable under the car. Thanks for the advice!
I'm sold on the escos those look nice, thanks everyone!
ESCOs are still Covidium - I'll pass.
I have 4 pair of Torin Big Red's that I like ALOT.

Those Torin Big Reds are strikingly similar to the Snap On ones that all got recalled after a dude died under them. That hex base....hard pass.
6/24/20 11:06 a.m.
Admittedly those Torin ones give me the heebie jeebies.
6/24/20 11:15 a.m.
My experience:
I love the ESCO's that I bought and would happily pay for another set. They're the only jackstand that I really feel comfortable under the car with. Ranger quickjack is also compelling, though I haven't personally used one (I would like to, though!).
New Reader
11/2/20 8:07 p.m.
11/2/20 8:16 p.m.
WillG80, those are used to level a travel trailer when parked. Not for use when working on a car.