OK, so I'm getting a knocking sound from the engine, but only during acceleration or higher RPM steady-state driving. Also, some blue smoke on immediate acceleration (like when leaving a stop light) and when idling, but only if I hit the gas pedal. On closed throttle/deceleration there is nothing, it sounds like it's running smooth. My thoughts are a rod knock, or a broken valve. Anything else I should check for?
I'm going to go with a broken piston skirt. Without listening to it that's just a guess.
Worse when cold, or hot? Cold = collapsed piston or bad skirt, hot = rod or main bearings, wristpins...
Drive it until it spontaneously dissassembles itself, then look for the part that seems to be worst.
bearings/pins was first to come to mind.
Probably a rod bearing or piston skirt/pin damage.
My first thought was piston slap.
Smoking could be from worn rings and or valve guides/seals.
The seals will most often show up after engine idling or going down hill on closed throttle creating high vacuum.
any idea what part of the engine the sound is coming from?
Well, I finally got a chance to work on it last night and there is no oil in the intake, no oil in the coolant (or vice versa), no oil in the exhaust manifold, none of the combustion chambers look like they've had oil in them, the walls of the cylinders are in good shape, as are the piston tops and valves, but there was oil on the exhaust side of the turbo. Would a blown turbo seal cause that kind of behavior? I haven't had a chance to look any lower than that, yet.
A blown seal on a turbo can definitely cause smoking, especially upon return to idle after being at high RPMs. But not a knock, that I know of.
This is turning out to be great: blown turbo seal and possible wrist pin/piston/rod....
hwey, at least you can tell people you dont do anything halfway, once you commit, you take projects all the way! Anyone can break a wrist pin...not just anybody can pretty much roast an entire operating machine all at once
Well, when you look at it that way....