Looking for a setup for my celica that will shortly have a 1uz. I see these digital gauge readouts for obd2, I also saw some interesting stuff about some raspberry pi and a program that allows end user programming. But my Linux-fu is not that strong. Anything plug and play for a Toyota v8?
Some digital gauges will allow analog inputs. I think AIM, Dakota and Stack all do. None are going to be cheap.
If you're looking for something that just shows speed, RPM and a couple of things like coolant temp, look into UTV dashes.
Wow! Awesome link, Keith. I'd been looking for something like that for a little while. Thanks for sharing!
I haven't gone too far down this rabbit hole yet, but am planning too soon.
You may want to give searching github a try. Chances are someone already wrote a program that you can simply copy and paste.
If your car has gauges, can't you just put the sending units from the old engine in the new engine to run the gauges alongside the sending units that the ecm needs to make the engine run?
This assumes, of course, that your stock gauges weren't run by the old ecm and were just standalone gauges.
Yeah that's correct. It's not so much that my new engine won't work with other gauges. But rather, I don't want a bunch of gauges in the interior. If I could just have an iPad in the center console with all the gauges I want it would be best.