I wouldn't rule out the harmonic balancer being faulty in some way, but I always assumed that the issue was that there's a bit of an oil leak from somewhere on the front of the engine and it seems to keep the belt wet. The alternator was replaced about 40k miles ago, it got new idler pulleys around 50k miles ago, and I put a new tensioner on it when I prophylactically replaced the belt 21k miles ago. Since a new belt is about $30 from Rock Auto, I just keep a fresh one in the back and usually drive around with the 12-pt 17mm socket and a ratchet, just in case. When I did the last oil change I considered swapping the belt, but clearly I decided against that.
The main reason that I didn't go through and replace things like that was to avoid the "while I'm in here" spiral. I could have used all new pistons and rods, and I could have replaced all the lifters, I could have put new cams in and used all new timing sprockets, I could have replaced all the valves with new ones, replaced the water pump, put in a new vacuum pump, gotten a new HPFP, etc etc etc, but once I started doing that, I'm not sure where it would have stopped and it would have gotten crazy expensive. So my goal was to replace what needed to be replaced and re-use what could be reused and try to get the vehicle back on the road spending as close to the amount I was going to get from the emissions cheating settlement as possible. The dollar value of the rebuild basically broke even with the settlement, so I'd consider that a win. The settlement's warranty also got me a new turbocharger, one of the swirl motor sensors, a new AdBlue tank/heater/sender, and a couple other small repairs.
I bought it in early 2017, the motor grenaded in late 2018, so 1.5 years and 30k miles in the first run. I got it back on the road in July of 2022, so a total of 4ish years and 80k miles out of it so far. I'm not tremendously unhappy with that.
If it's easy to find on the ML, it should be in about the same place on the GL. It looks like this is what I'm dealing with:

I suppose maybe it's possible that the line to or from the air tank in the back might be a problem, but I don't see how that would cause both sides to drop. And I was absolutely hearing hissing from the front of the vehicle. Near where that valve block appears to be located. And, yeah, that hissing noise was after I had removed the valve core and let all of the air out of the tire! I do wish they had a slightly clearer diagram of the Airmatic system, though, so I could see if there was another spot that might be common between both sides in the front, but my thought is that I can park the vehicle in the same spot that I had it when I was plugging the tire and get it to leak and I can spray what Mercedes calls "leak detection fluid" and normal people call "soapy water" on everything until I find the bubbles.