I have always like Garmin's except for. They all tend to either
a. The cable plug / power connection fail/brakes.
b. They just fail internally some how and die.
Both usually occure in a matter of 1-2 years (just out of the warranty).
Anyone had any luck with the Garmins. I tend to get the $150 ones. I have one much older one that just keeps on going. At the time it was about $400. By todays standards it is a crude device but it works.
Are there any good reliable ones out there now? Is it a price thing? Should I be looking at the higher end ones not for functionality (I dont need it) but for better build quality?
How are Tom Tom's?
Are there any others out there?
I like the Garmins. I've never had a failure but we're not moving it a whole lot. It just stays in the car and plugged in all the time.
I'm using my phone, but need something better. I'd love to go in dash, but pricing is ridiculous.
So subbed to learn.
Duke wrote:
I just use my phone.
I would but data is an issue.
I do move it quite often but it is from the windshield to the center console. I have jobs in the not so nice part of Boston. Leaving it up on the dash or windshield is an invitation for some one to smash and grab. Might as well leave the window open at that point just to save the broken window.
2/13/16 10:09 a.m.
Does your phone give the option for offline map areas? I do this on my android phone and tablet. Not sure if this is an option with Iphones, though.
We still have a pretty old, basic Garmin as well. Mainly my wife uses it when going someplace new; it's normally in the house unless needed.
dean1484 wrote:
Duke wrote:
I just use my phone.
I would but data is an issue.
There are MANY great offline map packages
Grtechguy wrote:
dean1484 wrote:
Duke wrote:
I just use my phone.
I would but data is an issue.
There are MANY great offline map packages
Windows phone suck-age at the moment. 
I have a fleet and I have a Garmin in each vehicle. Garmin is just what I have become used to.
Another tip.
I buy mine used from a store in the "hood" that also deals in other used electronics and new hip-hop clothing. A former business customer from my previous life. Not exactly a pawn shop but similar.
If he has some in Stock, i can buy very nice Garmins for $40. He is more than willing to warranty them for me if they don't work properly.
I'm sure he pays near nothing for them considering they are all acquired by questionable means.
2/13/16 10:55 a.m.
I've had good luck with Garmin and Tom Tom. I had an expensive Garmin fail, but the second one I bought is just fine. The Tom Tom's were bought refurbished on line for $50 and never missed a beat. They are slow and small, but they do the job and take a beating when you pack them in your carry on luggage. The factory unit in my Volvo has been replaced once, updated 3 times, and still gets lost or locks up, usually when you're in an unfamiliar area, and heavy traffic. Iphone 5 & 6 with google maps, and a bluetooth connection to the car is now my go to. One less thing to carry, and I always remember to take it out of the car. I use a air vent clip ($4.00) when I switch cars.
dean1484 wrote:
Grtechguy wrote:
dean1484 wrote:
Duke wrote:
I just use my phone.
I would but data is an issue.
There are MANY great offline map packages
Windows phone suck-age at the moment.
$40 Prepaid Moto E from Amazon/Best buy. with a $10 window mount. No need to buy minutes or activate.
I'm running one on the motorcycle and it works great for speedometer and detailed GPS.
In reply to dean1484: When I tested two side by side quite a while ago, the TomTom was more accurate, but the Garmin had a nicer display, so I went with the Garmin. One of mine also died after 2 years (Probably on purpose so they can maximize profit), so I'm going to get a TomTom soon, a refurbished one.
I like my GPS system. It is called a map and come in a nice folded pattern.
I had a mid level Garmin the worked great until it just wouldn't turn on probably 3-4 years, I replaced it with a cheap remanufactur3d Magellan. Don get a magellan, most of the time I just use my phone now
I have a 7" Garmin that is the best. It replaced a 5" Garmin that fell off the windshield and got slammed in the truck door. I like the interface, I like the big screen, I like their Base Camp program. I'll stick to Garmin for the foreseeable future.
Toyman01 wrote:
I have a 7" Garmin that is the best. It replaced a 5" Garmin that fell off the windshield and got slammed in the truck door. I like the interface, I like the big screen, I like their Base Camp program. I'll stick to Garmin for the foreseeable future.
I have been looking at those. I like the idea of the larger screen.
I just don't want to be "that guy" that has the GPS affixed to the windshield directly in front of the driver on the windshield directly in the field of view of the road. That always makes me cringe when I see that.
Isn't HERE Maps and its equivalent driving program free on most Windows phones? It is on my Lumia Icon.
As for GPSs, I tend to prefer Garmins, too, but probably don't use them as heavily as you do. My biggest issue with them is the newest one I have is too heavy for the windshield suction cup. The prior two, I replaced when they were hopelessly obsolete, they were still working fine.
2/13/16 3:35 p.m.
I had an early, '07, tom tom. Eventually the plug died. I ran it for about 2 years. I liked it.
I've borrowed a slightly newer tom tom and hated it. They changed the display. It wouldn't show the current road most of the time, just an image of your next turn. It would also flash a warning over the entire screen if you are over the speed limit.
That lead me to a Garmin. My only issue was you had to buy updates. It is a small screen and my map pack is now 5 years old so I just use my phone. 30 GB plus rollover has me sitting on an abundance of data.
If I went for a new one, I would go large screen Garmin and drop the $$ for the lifetime update pack that tom tom includes.
dean1484 wrote:
I just don't want to be "that guy" that has the GPS affixed to the windshield directly in front of the driver on the windshield directly in the field of view of the road. That always makes me cringe when I see that.
The 7" does take up some real estate. I'm not sure you could windshield mount it in a small car or a sports car.
In my F350, it tucks down in the corner of the windshield quite nicely. On the Colorado it sits low in the center, actually resting on the dash. The Samurai is kind of a challenge. It sits on the passenger side, low on the windshield and mount is long enough that it actually hangs down in front of the dash.
I'm tall enough that it doesn't compromise vision at all.
I've had 3 different brands TomTom, Garmin and I think Magellan. Love the Garmin, hated the other two. The problem we have now is not having lifetime maps, it's becoming outdated. As for a paper map (which I also carry)it never finds us a hotel, restaurant or gas station.
A friend of mine who is in computer stuffs installed a gps map software on a linux controlled 10" tablet he got used. I call it the 40$ huge 10" gps. That is the grassroot way.
I'll try to have details and build one too in the next months.
Bonus feature is multimedia server built in !
I bought my first Garmin 6 years ago. It lasted just over 5 years and I updated it twice. The screen finally started fading but everything else was always operational. I bought my 2nd one this year with the lifetime maps and it has bluetooth capability so I could connect my phone to it.Thus far, it's been great. My daughter's Garmin lasted her 5 years and she thinks it just fell one too many times. Toyman already posted his opinion on them. So for us, they have been very successful outside of falls and doors.
2/13/16 5:38 p.m.
I use google maps on my phone when I am going someplace I am not familiar with. If I am going to be on a stretch of interstate or other major road for miles I stop it and turn it back one when I get close to my next turn. No need for a separate device for me.