I'm having trouble finding .125" lexan locally. Anyone have any suggestions or sources that they've used in the past?
Thanks, Pat
Try your local steel supply house. They often sell engineering plastics along side their metal products. That's where I bought mine the last time.
the stuff i have seen at lowes/home depot has typically been ~ .095" i just bought some myself for my rear 1/4 windows and it was easier to cut with shears. i will be making my rear window this week out of the same .093 material i source from home depot.
logicfactory wrote: the stuff i have seen at lowes/home depot has typically been ~ .095" i just bought some myself for my rear 1/4 windows and it was easier to cut with shears. i will be making my rear window this week out of the same .093 material i source from home depot.
I'm not sure the rule for the SCCA, but NHRA minimum thickness is .125". That means the Challenge is at least .125".
Not sure what you are building for, just thought I'd mention it.
I think I've found my source....got a call from a friend earlier this evening who can hook me up. Thanks guys.
Yellow Pages whats that? They have quit delivering them in the metro Atl. area. My computer phobic parents are pissed. Have to go "all the way down town" to get one.
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