I think I'm going to go look at said Azera this weekend, and it looks to be a well-loved one elderly owner car with 50k or so miles on it. I'm hoping this is going to be a drama free daily that I can put another 100-150k miles on with just routine maintenance.
I can't find much in the way of common failures online, so I'm feeling pretty good about pulling the trigger on this one. Thought it best to run it past the GRM brain trust first though.
Weepy head gaskets. Had to replace a motor mount once. We ran ours to 200k miles and that's all we had for problems.
the 3.3 in the Sonata had a different oil leak from the front of the motor? it would oil-down the middle of the V
my '06 sonata had its stareo only held in by the plastic clips
and I blew the top mounts for the shocks, so you might look at them while looking at the other suspension bushings
other than that, bobzilla will probably be along eventually
There's tons of these tanks out there with 200+k miles. Theyre pretty reliable. super comfy and quiet. Like, 80% of a Toyota avalon at about 40% the price
We all know I'm the resident Hyundai Humper, and I know very little about these at all. They just seem to work.
Never heard of em. I may have to surrender my car guy card.
10/17/19 3:25 p.m.
I never actually got around to driving one, but when I was shopping for a car for DD#2 they sure as hell seemed like an awful lot of car for the money. For a 23-year-old single woman, she likes big unstressed grampa cars, and the Azera sure seemed like it would fit that bill.
spitfirebill said:
Never heard of em. I may have to surrender my car guy card.
While the Sonata was the Camry competitor the Azera was the Avalon competitor. In that same fashion, the two cars generally look the same with some minor changes and one being just slightly larger. To the unexpepecting, you might just think they are a trim level of the same car.
2006 Sonata:

2006 Azera:

In reply to John Welsh :
and like the camry/avalon, the Azera got the 3.8L LAmbda with more power and torque over the 3.3 in the Sonata. Its a very unstressed platform.
Awesome, thanks everyone!
I found an interesting tidbit last night, apparently this was the fastest car Korea produced in 2006. It's quicker than my Elantra sport!
10/18/19 9:51 a.m.
It's little known in general that every 3.3 kia/hyundai is kinda fast. More so the 3.8 version of said engine, but people already know and accept that.
I have nothing against the Azera but IMO the first hyundai/kia entry lux that i might actually pick over its direct Toyota competitor with all else equal was the Cadenza. Those things are nice!!
In reply to Vigo :
Yeah, the Cadenza is super nice.
I was going to say, the 3.8 Azera we had could hustle. No speed governor meant it could hit 140mph+ given enough room, and I thoroughly embarrased a couple of 5.0 Mustangs in ours, laughing maniacally the entire way..