OK chaps and chapets, a couple (2?, 3?, 4???) years ago there was a thread on here with some interesting art in it. It was by a Nordic guy, it featured old 200 series Volvo wagons, Saabs, some T3 VW’s etc. They were set in a future post-apocalyptic post alien invasion version of Earth. Some of the pics had dinosaurs in them, many had abandoned future/alien technology and machinery in it.
Anyone else remember it and know where to find it?
I saw that string of art on IMGUR about a month ago. Not sure how to best search for it though.
Maybe from same series?-
10/28/15 1:28 p.m.
Those are so neat. Reminds me of 'No Man's Sky' but with more volvos.
10/28/15 1:54 p.m.
You want some Art in this thread? You got it!

Well, since we are talkin' art. I saw some of these Cheryl Kelley paintings at a show a couple of years ago. Freakishly good photo realism, these are paintings.

Ah yes I remember seeing some work by this guy. Haven't seen most of these pics though.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
This reminds me of the end of HL2.