Looking for a nice rust free bumpside ford, and thinking of driving down to look. But it is a 13 hour slog for nothing if it is rusty. Seems awfully good from the pics, but then photos never seem to pick up the rusty spots just out of the viewfinder.....
I will be happy to pay someone $50.00 for their time to look under the floor mats and check cab corners etc.
thanks for the help.

The Googles says I'm about 30 minutes from his given location (without traffic). The issue is I have a full agenda until Saturday (and even then I might be heading south to Eugene (although I suppose Milwaukee is kinda on the way))
I speak a small amount of bumpside and dentside lingo as I too fancy one (I also speak rust...). If nobody else steps up to the plate, I will gladly take a look when time allows.
Thank you for the offer! If I head down it will most likely not be until Monday which is a holiday up here.
2/5/15 10:43 p.m.
I could probably so it if you tell me the rust prone areas to check. I'm headed to the Portland Auto show Saturday and could check it before or after.
Thanks guys. The known areas are the cab corners and cab mounts, floors and rockers or course, inner fenders where the hood hinge bolts up, and the box seam. The rust gets in where the two returns meet up and the box side needs to be split in two to get at it. The radiator frame also rusts but I have another good one.
The other thing that happens is the box sides break free where they attach to the floor at the back. Maybe from people driving with the tailgate open.
2/6/15 5:30 p.m.
You got this Burrito...er Ethnic Food enthusiast?
2/6/15 11:00 p.m.
Let me know if you still want me to lay eyes on this, and when. I can look tomorrow morning, evening (maybe) or Sunday morning. Send me an email at (my username)@gmail.com if you do.
Thanks to anyone who was considering checking this out for me. bgkast stopped by and put it under the microscope. On the basis of his close up photos I concluded that it was not as pristine as it looked in the sellers photos. Pretty good, but not awesome. I will keep looking. So I have now asked GRM members twice now to inspect vehicles for me. The first time was the Motor Coach I bought in Michigan. On the basis of those reports I flew there from BC and drove it home. It has turned out to be an awesome investment. This time not so good but I do appreciate the time bgkast took as it saved me a lot of time and possible disappointment. On the flip side I took a morning to look at a formula Vee last year for a member and gave him a report. What goes around comes around. Having a trustworthy third party able to do a vehicle inspection is a huge perk that comes from being part of this forum.
2/7/15 9:50 p.m.
Glad I saved you a disappointing trip. Hope you find a good one!
I'm out here in bend (central Oregon) if anyone needs an inspection in this area.