In reply to GameboyRMH :
Caliper lifespan (with either type) depends on what failures that particular caliper design is prone to and how it's maintained. I've personally had more metal piston calipers stick due to slight corrosion on the pistons (due to average person neglected brake fluid changes) than plastic piston issues. Heck, one of the plastic piston calipers on my Jeep is 21 years old with 249k miles on it, still works just fine.
Gave a couple shake downs on the car again 1056 and 1058 respectively. For the record, Motul RBF 660 was put in and the usual tighten a few bolts occured as well.
I was a little more cautious with the brakes today where as last time I just kinda drove it and forgot about the brakes.
The first lap was a fun lap, just banged gears and floored it for the most part; fun times. I did however brake more lightly and trail braked quite a bit, traffic did not help with trail braking either. FYI, the coolant, per my X4, got to 244* F; I did however notice that the coolant was rather low after the lap. Also, anytime the temp got past 240* the car fell on its face power wise.
The second lap I did the opposite, lighter on the throttle but more brakes and tire trust. Less traffic allowed me to use the whole track as well. Coolant managed to stay mostly in the 230-239* range due to some careful driving and being miss daisy on the long straight fast parts of the track.
For now, I'll put off on getting a whole EBC brake kit (until pad/rotor problems occur, then I'll swap my ST170 stuff in). What do for the cooling now? Not trying to spend a good chunk of change on a koyorad. Simple as a coolant flush or?
In reply to Hungary Bill :
what tracks and when? :)
Always start with the basics. Coolant flush, make sure there's no debris blocking the radiator etc.
Just like with the brakes, optimize the parts you have before you start replacing them.
TurboFocus said:
In reply to Hungary Bill :
what tracks and when? :)
I was originally shooting for the 8th of August at the Slovakiaring, but I dont think there's any way I'm going to be able to make that one (things are taking longer to get here than expected). Next day I plan to be out is September 18th at the Pannonia ring.
Here's the group's page:
No technical inspection needed, just need to bring a helmet 
Good times