Dez White has taken hits from some of the best in the NFL. You may remember him receiving for the Chicago Bears and Atlanta Falcons. Turns out he's also a big car nut, and he brought his turbo Porsche to our 2015 Tire Rack Ultimate Track Car Challenge. The bad news is that Dez only completed half o…
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Here's a shot of it before while we were shooting this video.

And then roughly half an hour later we were unfortunately met with this sight. Luckily, Dez walked away unscathed. But that's a very quick part of the track and he made it over the tire wall and into the catch fence.

Incredibly nice and great man as well. He (and then GA Tech OC Ralph Friedgan) abused me on a Thursday night in Atlanta pretty bad when I was a safety at Maryland. Dez showed nothing but respect while racking up over 100 yards receiving in the first half.