Starting to look at MegaSquirt for the Celica. Looks like there's a few ways to go.
I'm going to update the factory 22RE EFI to 1985 spec which will make it work with PNP. My question is- is there any difference between DIYPNP and full on PNP? Aside from the price, of course. I'm reasonably sure I could solder the thing up. I've done a few amplifier kits and such. Kind of the same thing, just, you know, more. It looks like the DIY is almost half as expensive.
Pretty sure there isn't, waiting for MadScientistMatt to confirm...
Raze wrote:
I just built an amplifier kit with my 16 year old. His solder joints look better than mine. Labor: covered.
12/5/12 7:26 p.m.
The pnp is much harder to modify later with the machine assembled board.
I seem to recall reading that the PNP units have a few unique circuits or something.
SlickDizzy wrote:
I seem to recall reading that the PNP units have a few unique circuits or something.
That's correct; we've added a few features to it, mostly onboard peak and hold drivers and an improved knock circuit with a headphone output. The DIYPNP will still do fuel and ignition control on this car just fine, but we wanted to put a little extra on the MSPNP.
Super, thanks for the help!