Howdy all,
Ive just about finished getting my MS3 put together (using this kit:
I want to run an electronic boost solenoid so I bought the mod kit (
I am not an expert when it comes to reading wiring diagrams and was wondering if anyone could explain how it gets wired up?
The circuit our boost mod uses is a bit different than the one in the manual - we've found this transistor has a higher switching speed than a TIP122. The catalog listing seems to make the picture of the circuit tiny, though; here's a full size version. MS3 uses the same points as an MS2.

Note that an MS3X card already has a boost output, if you're planning on using one.
In reply to MadScientistMatt :
Sadly no MS3X for now. Trying to keep to my self imposed budget. Thanks for the blown up photo and confirmatin on the pins being the same.
Boost canoe?
That being said I haven't had an issues with good control with the TIP122 circuit vs the IRLZ44.