Ok, picking up from my last post on this; fuel filler and vapor hose replaced, and the car still gets nasty gas fumes, BUT, they only happen anymore on my trips to Mt. Lemmon.
At about 5500 feet or so, fumes come on like gang busters.
New to the process since changing out the filler neck hoses is that following the gas fumes, the car will now die within about two miles of the gas fumes hitting.
It is definitely fuel related.
First time it happened, car sputtered, but would run smooth at higher rpm (4500+, IIRC); turned the car around, back down the hill, runs fine everywhere else, no issues no gas fumes.
Second time was today, after cleaning the purge solenoid to see if maybe it was hanging up (and with 12v applied, functions fine). Same thing as first time, bad fumes above 5500ft, died, like died died, completely. Coasted backwards down the road to swing the car around, and once nose down, I thought I'd "bump start" it - which actually worked, car fired, so tempting fate I turned back around to go to the top of the mountain. Car ran fine all the way up, all the way down, no issues, no gas fumes.
Prior to the run up, the boy puts his OBDII reader on it, code P0453, which is the vapor/purge system (however they call it). Never had a CEL or anything. Upon putting the car back together, no more code. "self cleared"?
Today, at the bottom of the mountain, I did get a CEL, but not sure where the boy's OBDII tool is,so not sure if it's the same code or I have a new one.
Anybody else experience this? Is it likely one of those two sensors? The little purge tank up front getting gassed, putting too much fuel in the canister at the rear?