I lined up the notch on the timing belt pulley with the V mark, set the cams correctly and turned the engine over many many times to make sure the marks were right and they were. The problem is when I put on the accessory drive pulley the timing marks do not line up correctly. With my T belt pulley mark still matched up my 10 notch is at about 2 and my TDC notch is way off the end of the scale.
How did I manage to mess it up this badly?
8/22/15 1:39 p.m.
I used one of these on my 2000 and still had to do it twice before I was happy with it. I suspect that you're fighting the valve springs.

The damper has failed - you're calling it the accessory pulley. It's made of two pieces of steel with rubber in between. When the rubber bond fails, the outer steel ring slips. The only indication is that your timing marks will be in the wrong place. Confirm TDC by dropping something down the #1 spark plug hole, and the timing mark should be lined up with T. If not, then it's time for a new damper.
There's really no way to screw up installation to make this happen. The damper bolts straight to the timing belt pulley, which is keyed to the crank. Unless there's damage to the keyway or the key is missing, you really can't get it wrong. Even then, you wouldn't know.
8/22/15 5:56 p.m.
^Beat me to it! What Keith said. As usual.