Okay, here's the deal. I need two BFG Radial T/A's in size 225/60-15. I've looked at all the regular places and nobody has any in stock, and don't know when they'll have them. I think Summit Racing is listing a ship date some time in September, but I have no confidence in it since they have revised that ship date four times since I've started looking.
So, since you guys always seem pretty successful in these kinds of things, how about helping me find a pair?
Two rules - Don't suggest a source unless you know they have it, K?
- Don't question why I want these particular tires and suggest
something else.
If you do either of these things thinking you're being funny, you are not. 
since i'm not allowed to suggest anything else nor ask any questions i'll just say this: Eewwwwwwwwwww
You know, I really need these tires, and was seriously looking for help in finding them. That's why I asked only for replies that would lead me to somebody that has them. I looked at my post a couple minutes ago and thought - "Great! Somebody found me a pair!". Then I read your smart ass comments and realized it was just a couple of morons that can't follow simple directions or respect a simple request. Thanks for nothing.
Did you try Tire Rack? They might have them, but I'm not sure. Oh, and why do you want these? There may be a better tire out there we can suggest, like a Yoko or something. Just trying to help.
I did a search, and these things seem to be out of production.
This place seems to have them, but I've never dealt with them before.
Did you have a look at ebay? Not really the tire supplier of choice but the only place where I could find reasonably priced OEM sized tires for my C4.
The fact that it's now sporting R888s is just "coincidence"
. But they were cheaper than the non-available BFG gSports that I was planning to put on the car. Those had the same issue you mentioned - unavailable, everybody moving the shipping date around and I could see the remaining tread vanishing from the C4's tires.
bravenrace wrote:
Okay, here's the deal. I need two BFG Radial T/A's in size 225/60-15. I've looked at all the regular places and nobody has any in stock, and don't know when they'll have them. I think Summit Racing is listing a ship date some time in September, but I have no confidence in it since they have revised that ship date four times since I've started looking.
So, since you guys always seem pretty successful in these kinds of things, how about helping me find a pair?
Two rules - Don't suggest a source unless you know they have it, K?
- Don't question why I want these particular tires and suggest
something else.
If you do either of these things thinking you're being funny, you are not.
Radial TAs were discontinued in this size a while back. You can get NON raised white letter BFGs in the GForce Sports, You can get Firestones in RWL and Cooper Cobras iirc. Coker may have some of the TAs left but you will need to call them.
I know you didn't want alternatives but you really don't have a choice unless you want NOS 4 year old tires (remember that Michelin does not want them sold after 4 years from DOT for a reason) or usedones.
Good luck on the hunt otherwise.
7/24/11 12:57 p.m.
bravenrace wrote:
You know, I really need these tires, and was seriously looking for help in finding them. That's why I asked only for replies that would lead me to somebody that has them. I looked at my post a couple minutes ago and thought - "Great! Somebody found me a pair!". Then I read your smart ass comments and realized it was just a couple of morons that can't follow simple directions or respect a simple request. Thanks for nothing.
with over 3k posts to your credit I'd have assumed that you knew better than to try to give orders to the rest of the pack...
by ordering everyone to shut-up if they didn't have a solution for you, you really were doing nothing more than waving a red cape in the face of the proverbial bull

According to the BFG website there are 2 part numbers for the P225/60R15: (64148) and (03175) see if either of those have a better supply rate or stock position than the other at your local BFG supplier.
Coker Tires has a listing for the tires, I entered into cart and without receiving a backorder message
Also, HotRod Hanks.
wbjones wrote:
bravenrace wrote:
You know, I really need these tires, and was seriously looking for help in finding them. That's why I asked only for replies that would lead me to somebody that has them. I looked at my post a couple minutes ago and thought - "Great! Somebody found me a pair!". Then I read your smart ass comments and realized it was just a couple of morons that can't follow simple directions or respect a simple request. Thanks for nothing.
with over 3k posts to your credit I'd have assumed that you knew better than to try to give orders to the rest of the pack...
by ordering everyone to shut-up if they didn't have a solution for you, you really were doing nothing more than waving a red cape in the face of the proverbial bull
Seriously. I might have wanted to help you before, but such dickish comments don't ingratiate you to the GRM populace. Clean that act up, and people might be more inclined to give you a source. As you know, they are hard to find, so it would be just your luck that someone wanted to help, but then saw your post and kept to themselves.

Dude, you're acting an shiny happy person.
Derek and moto, thanks for the help! You have no idea how much you have helped me. And thank you for being mature enough to just answer my question.
The rest of you are basically saying that what I'm dealing with here is a bunch of kids that can't just answer a question without assuming they know better than the poster what he needs. And then you call me a dick and a shiny person? Yeah, okay. I'm fine with that. After all, why blame the people that made the smart ass comments instead of respecting my request for serious answer only. Blame me because it upset me - Makes sense. If you knew how important this is (and I understand that it's hard to believe), you would also understand why I'm a little pissed. The funny thing is that I didn't put too much info in my post because I thought it would help avoid this kind of stuff - My mistake.
All I wanted was an answer to my question without all the BS. I now know that's asking too much. It won't happen again.
Instead of two hard to find tires, maybe you should be checking eBay for a sense of humor.
Next time try 30 seconds on Google, instead of demanding we do all the heavy lifting for you:
Or I hear American Express has a concierge service. I bet they'll gladly do your bidding without any sass.
Hope the sources found you the tires, bravenrace
Try giving BFG a call on Monday. If that size is being discontinued they might sell the tooling to Coker. I think they have for some of the other sizes that have been dropped. A call to Coker might not hurt.
BFG might just not be getting much demand so they only run limited batches now. I used to run that on the front of my Barracuda. It's the old 5.0 Mustang sized tire. I guess most of the guys playing with them have gone to 17" wheels now.
In reply to Rob_Mopar:
Always a good idea to read thru the thread
Osterkraut wrote:
Instead of two hard to find tires, maybe you should be checking eBay for a sense of humor.
Next time try 30 seconds on Google, instead of demanding we do all the heavy lifting for you:
Or I hear American Express has a concierge service. I bet they'll gladly do your bidding without any sass.
Maybe you should not make assumptions about things you know nothing about. I spent the better part of a day trying to find these tires. I couldn't, so I asked for help here. What exactly is wrong with that?
And for the record, I checked all those sources on the page you linked to the other day. None of them had the tires in stock. Did you really think I didn't do a search on the tire???
I never claimed to be a great internet searcher, and since I needed these tires badly I thought maybe someone could find what I couldn't. A few good people did.
Rob_Mopar wrote:
Try giving BFG a call on Monday. If that size is being discontinued they might sell the tooling to Coker. I think they have for some of the other sizes that have been dropped. A call to Coker might not hurt.
BFG might just not be getting much demand so they only run limited batches now. I used to run that on the front of my Barracuda. It's the old 5.0 Mustang sized tire. I guess most of the guys playing with them have gone to 17" wheels now.
Thanks for the info, Rob. 
bravenrace wrote:
Osterkraut wrote:
Instead of two hard to find tires, maybe you should be checking eBay for a sense of humor.
Next time try 30 seconds on Google, instead of demanding we do all the heavy lifting for you:
Or I hear American Express has a concierge service. I bet they'll gladly do your bidding without any sass.
Maybe you should not make assumptions about things you know nothing about. I spent the better part of a day trying to find these tires. I couldn't, so I asked for help here. What exactly is wrong with that?
And for the record, I checked all those sources on the page you linked to the other day. None of them had the tires in stock. Did you really think I didn't do a search on the tire???
I never claimed to be a great internet searcher, and since I needed these tires badly I thought maybe someone could find what I couldn't. A few good people did.
Damn, you're not good with the Google OR asking nicely.
Well I'm glad you found your tires. Now you can take the time to explain your situation while you're waiting for them to ship!
I'm not good at Google, but I did the same thing you did, so I guess you're not good either? 
And I have a sincere question. What was not nice about my original question? It didn't sound bad to me, but apparently it did to you, so can you tell me so I can do better in the future? I know I was angry when I wrote a couple of my replies, but I didn't think there was anything wrong with how I worded my original post. I tried to state what I was looking for very clearly, but I didn't think that made it something less than nice.
Please, thank you, a little humility, goes a long way, AND you just clarified your angry responses--THOSE really ticked off a lot of people.
Next time you want to 'let'er rip" at the keyboard, think about it for a while, then, after writing it, say it out loud as if you had just been pulled over and are talking to a cop. Sometimes just writing it out, re-reading it, will get the anger out of your system. And be aware of outside factors that are being vented via your replies here.
Many have let it rip, here, when they're pissed at the world, wife, girlfriend, job, etc...which is OK. When it gets personal, directed to an individual,here, then you cross the line. A line that's sometimes crossed here...
with much nastiness. Then the thread flounders into a morass of name calling until it's shut down, eventually.