bravenrace wrote:
I'm not good at Google, but I did the same thing you did, so I guess you're not good either?
And I have a sincere question. What was not nice about my original question? It didn't sound bad to me, but apparently it did to you, so can you tell me so I can do better in the future? I know I was angry when I wrote a couple of my replies, but I didn't think there was anything wrong with how I worded my original post. I tried to state what I was looking for very clearly, but I didn't think that made it something less than nice.
I understand the reason for why you posted the way you did, but it probably could have been worded differently. It did seem a little stand offish for no reason. Sarcasm cannot be heard through the computer screen. As for the replies, just let that E36 M3 roll off your back, your responses to them makes you sound like the bad person. People will always try to talk you into something else, there will always be smartass comments. Internet forums are not the place to be if you're in a tight bind.
Either way I hope you found your tires. I wish I could find a new set of Bridgestone Steel Belted 70s RWLs for my SA22.
bravenrace wrote:
Okay, here's the deal. I need two BFG Radial T/A's in size 225/60-15. I've looked at all the regular places and nobody has any in stock, and don't know when they'll have them. I think Summit Racing is listing a ship date some time in September, but I have no confidence in it since they have revised that ship date four times since I've started looking.
So, since you guys always seem pretty successful in these kinds of things, how about helping me find a pair?
Two rules - Don't suggest a source unless you know they have it, K?
- Don't question why I want these particular tires and suggest
something else.
If you do either of these things thinking you're being funny, you are not.
Here's a suggested edit:
"I really need two BFG Radial T/A's in size 225/60-15. I know they're not the best tire, but it's what I need and everyone seems to be out of stock. Anybody know of a reliable source?"
The rest is attitude. Give attitude, get attitude.
I found his original question and his requirements for answering said question reasonable. If I had the answer for him, I would have gladly given it.
He didn't want bullE36 M3 replies, which is exactly what he got right off the bat, and probably didn't want to have to answer every second post of "why don't you use this tire". In fact, this is completely understandable after that retarded "I'm looking at an X3 thread" and everyone kept suggesting a 3 series when he specifically stated way early on he wouldn't fit. Need a facepalm smilie...
I hear you Triumph and Synthetic. I did say "thanks" in my original post. I'd still like a little more detail as to what sounded bad, because as I re-read it I still thought it sounded fine (to me).
The first two responses were just smart xxx remarks that I wasn't in the mood for, so I lashed back. Hey, I'm human. I'm still a little surprised that everyone jumped all over me but thought nothing about those two replies. In my mind they were the root cause, not me, but what do I know.
"- Don't suggest a source unless you know they have it, K?
- Don't question why I want these particular tires and suggest something else. If you do either of these things thinking you're being funny, you are not.
Thanks! "
Just to explain - My first request above was because I already looked all every source I could find and had come up with nothing. I was trying to avoid a long thread where everyone was pointing me towards sources I already knew didn't have the tire.
My second request was because in this particular case there was no substitute for the tire I was looking for - It HAD to be that tire, nothing else.
So I thought making those requests would help guide the responses, but I was wrong. It didn't help anything. I should have known that, I guess, but I can't help wondering why people feel the need to add a bunch of advice the OP didn't ask for. I understand that sometimes that is necessary and helpful, but my question was pretty clear and I just wanted an answer to that question. I'm pretty dense I guess to think it will ever change, but I'll probably keep trying....
dculberson wrote:
bravenrace wrote:
Okay, here's the deal. I need two BFG Radial T/A's in size 225/60-15. I've looked at all the regular places and nobody has any in stock, and don't know when they'll have them. I think Summit Racing is listing a ship date some time in September, but I have no confidence in it since they have revised that ship date four times since I've started looking.
So, since you guys always seem pretty successful in these kinds of things, how about helping me find a pair?
Two rules - Don't suggest a source unless you know they have it, K?
- Don't question why I want these particular tires and suggest
something else.
If you do either of these things thinking you're being funny, you are not.
Here's a suggested edit:
"I really need two BFG Radial T/A's in size 225/60-15. I know they're not the best tire, but it's what I need and everyone seems to be out of stock. Anybody know of a reliable source?"
The rest is attitude. Give attitude, get attitude.
Where was the attitude in my post? I didn't intend for there to be any. The only difference I see in your example is that you added the "it's not the best tire", which has no relevance to the question since I wasn't asking for opinions on that tire or other suggestions. And while I won't argue that there are better tires for certain uses, in my case the Radial T/A is the best tire, because that's the one I need.
bravenrace wrote:
"- Don't suggest a source unless you know they have it, K?
This is the one the bugged me most.
The folks you thanks did not know that the sources had the tire.
Unless I'm standing in the warehouse with my hand on the tire, I don't know that they have it. Not getting a "backordered" alert in the shopping cart doesn't really count.
Also, not seeing a listing does not mean that they don't have it, either.
It may seem trivial, small, unimportant to you, but, you asked the group, directly to do the "heavy lifting" when you said, "Don't suggest a source unless you know they have it, K?"
For many that came across as an order not a request. Yes, it's a fine line, but, that's how it came across.
For example, would you ever say, "I need directions to the museum, but, don't tell me unless you know EXACTLY how to get there, and what it costs to get in"!."!" I doubt you'd get any directions.
Asking, "I need directions to the museum, could you help me out, and, by any chance do you know the admission?" would elicit more responses, and yes, some might be wrong, but some would get you in the general area, and maybe a few would even get you precisely there.
See the difference? Me thinks, in your rush to get the tires you stumbled into the land of "get me the directions exactly, now" !!!
The use of language is full of nuances, and you have to be aware of them. I hope this helped a bit.
If you can't see the attitude, then okay. It's there. I was trying to help. It's obvious people were piqued by something, because this is a pretty helpful and nice group in general.
"If you do either of these things thinking you're being funny, you are not. "
You really don't think that's attitude at all?
Plus it takes nearly no time to ignore the useless comments, and get to the ones you wanted. If you want a useful reply in every post, you should have tried Corner-Carvers. Though your attitude would have gone over like a lead zeppelin over there.
Just saying.
In reply to triumph5:
Duly noted. I would just add that again that I had already spent the better part of a day looking, which is why I asked that people didn't reply unless they knew they had it. I personally don't see that as an order, since everyone has the ability to not post, but I do get what you are saying.
I was just trying to be very specific about the information I was seeking, that's all. I've really never been good at sugar coating, and in this case I was also in a big hurry.
slantvaliant wrote:
bravenrace wrote:
"- Don't suggest a source unless you know they have it, K?
This is the one the bugged me most.
The folks you thanks did not know that the sources had the tire.
Unless I'm standing in the warehouse with my hand on the tire, I don't know that they have it. Not getting a "backordered" alert in the shopping cart doesn't really count.
Also, not seeing a listing does not mean that they don't have it, either.
Okay. I won't repeat myself, but there was a reason for that first statement, and I accept that it was worded poorly, although honestly I don't know how. You know we all talk like we talk, and that's the way I talk - direct and to the point. I'm not saying it's good, and I do often get misunderstood on the internet. I always look at my posts before I post and they always look good to me, just not others. I'm not sure how to fix that.
By asking that they know the source has the tire, I meant that it didn't say on the website that they did or didn't have the tire. I didn't expect anyone to go any further than that. If I had a lead to a site where they didn't say it was out of stock, then that's way better than anything I came up with, and deserves a thank you. But thanks for the feeback. I'll try harder.
Osterkraut wrote:
Plus it takes nearly no time to ignore the useless comments, and get to the ones you wanted. If you want a useful reply in every post, you should have tried Corner-Carvers. Though your attitude would have gone over like a lead zeppelin over there.
Just saying.
Good point. But I want to make it clear to everyone that while it sounded like I had an attitude, that's not the way I intended it to sound. I didn't have an attitude when I wrote it, I just wanted very specific information, so I stated it that way. I regret that it came off poorly, but it's how I talk and write.
You know, I'm a pretty nice guy in real life. 
You have had your Mea Culpa moment, explained what happened, apologized to those offended, explained you are a direct talker....and IMHO, have done everything you needed or should have to do. And, there are those of us who appreciate all that effort.
To me, not that it should matter to anyone, case closed, time to move on before this turns into beating a dead horse thread.