You park, you crack your windows to cut down on heat buildup, and maybe put a reflecty thingy on your dash/windshield area to keep sun and thus heat out. That can work ok, but still isn't great, plus it's a pain to remember to do each step.
Here's what I'm thinking:

They don't require power, don't leak water, and move a lot of air. All car makers need to do is make a compact version of one of these that pops out of your roof when you park and pops back in when you start driving again.
It even looks like there's already compact versions of these...

The Nissan Leaf has this, it's an electric fan powered by a solar panel above the back glass. It is a smart idea, I've been thinking of rigging up something like it for my Corolla (with an off switch for "bug extermination mode"
My 1992 BMW had a programmable timer for this, 15 minutes before I leave work it would run the blower.
7/31/18 10:30 a.m.
My 03 cl600 has this. You push a button and it keeps circulating the cabin air and also monitors the battery charge, so it doesn’t run it down. Nice feature.
I believe the Mazda Millenia had some sort of exhaust fan thing built in.
7/31/18 10:51 a.m.
The Volvo runs the blower on high when you unlock it from the remote. I suppose that is intended to inject a little cool air into the cabin for you. Unfortunately, it shuts off as soon as you open a door, which means it ususally only runs for a few seconds as you are walking up to the car.
GameboyRMH said:
The Nissan Leaf has this, it's an electric fan powered by a solar panel above the back glass. It is a smart idea, I've been thinking of rigging up something like it for my Corolla (with an off switch for "bug extermination mode"
I think the Prius does the same thing, if you have the solar roof option.
My parents next door neighbor had one of those solar powered fans that attached to the window back in the late 80’s, I think.
7/31/18 11:28 a.m.
stuart in mn said:
I believe the Mazda Millenia had some sort of exhaust fan thing built in.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking, I remember it was either those or the 929 (same car?) that had them.
My 2001 Audi Allroad had a solar panel sunroof that drove the blower motor and constantly circulated out the air. With tinted windows it was actually cooler than ambient on a hot day. Nice feature.
OT, but I had a 88 Mazda MX6 that had the middle vents oscillate when the fan was on. That was nice to circulate air in the cabin. I think my 98 Mazda 626 had it as well, but I really don't remember. Don't remember much of the 98, it was that kind of forgetful car.
7/31/18 1:05 p.m.
Came to say this was a option on the Prius....but its already been covered....
Lot of cars, if you hold down unlock on the remote it drops the windows. Helps a lot when approaching a hot car to simply open it up a minute or so before you get in.
7/31/18 1:23 p.m.
TGMF said:
Lot of cars, if you hold down unlock on the remote it drops the windows. Helps a lot when approaching a hot car to simply open it up a minute or so before you get in.
That was the case a while ago, but seems to have been removed from newer cars. I assume for liability reasons. My 2003 325i and our 2004 TSX both had that feature. My wife's 2017 S60 and my boss's 2018 A7 do not.
I have a set of the stick on window vent shades on both my trucks. I can leave the windows cracked and the hottest air can escape but the rain can't get in. That said, I have never had a vehicle with a roll down rear window until I got my 4Runner. When I get in I roll all windows down including the back one and within seconds it has cooled off tremendously in there. Combined with the cloth seats and kickass a/c on that truck, that is really all I need, although a dedicated crotch vent would be nice. Who doesn't love a crotch vent?
8/1/18 10:58 a.m.
I keep waiting for them to be effective enough to leave pets in the car, or save a child from a forgetful parent.
Maybe even put an interior temperature display so that passersby don't get all ticked off when they see a dog in a vehicle. Then maybe an alarm if something fails and it gets too hot. Then I don't mind if a stranger busts my window to save my dog.
GameboyRMH said:
The Nissan Leaf has this, it's an electric fan powered by a solar panel above the back glass. It is a smart idea, I've been thinking of rigging up something like it for my Corolla (with an off switch for "bug extermination mode"
Audi started doing this in the late 90s or so. Sunroof was a solar panel, with the ignition off, the solar panel was connected to the HVAC fan. High sun = more fan. Sunroof open or no sun meant no fan.
8/1/18 11:37 a.m.
Curtis said:
I keep waiting for them to be effective enough to leave pets in the car, or save a child from a forgetful parent.
Maybe even put an interior temperature display so that passersby don't get all ticked off when they see a dog in a vehicle. Then maybe an alarm if something fails and it gets too hot. Then I don't mind if a stranger busts my window to save my dog.
Leaving a dog in a car you would think would be a huge feature for K9 cops, retirees, RVs, etc. Should just be programming even, hit a button to lock the vehicle but leave the engine running for AC. Then just put signs on vehicle so hopefully no one breaks the glass. Could even use the existing internet connections most new cars have to send alarms to anyone necessary if the interior temp climbs above a certain threshold.
In reply to Curtis :
See my post above. Sleeping kids/dogs/chilled food, all fine in the Allroad (for limited periods of time, not all day obviously). SJWs would have a stroke if that feature was marketed toward being able to leave anything with a heartbeat in a car.
Duke said:
TGMF said:
Lot of cars, if you hold down unlock on the remote it drops the windows. Helps a lot when approaching a hot car to simply open it up a minute or so before you get in.
That was the case a while ago, but seems to have been removed from newer cars. I assume for liability reasons. My 2003 325i and our 2004 TSX both had that feature. My wife's 2017 S60 and my boss's 2018 A7 do not.
Its still works on BMWs, at least through 2017.
In reply to EastCoastMojo :
The hideaway rear window of the 4Runner was my favorite feature. So convenient for hauling lumber and long stuff plus it gets rid fo the pulsing from the front windows being down. Sadly the 2.7 was gutless and finally dumped the contents of the block into the oil pan.
I wish I had repowered it now.
8/1/18 3:42 p.m.
The0retical said:
In reply to EastCoastMojo :
The hideaway rear window of the 4Runner was my favorite feature. So convenient for hauling lumber and long stuff plus it gets rid fo the pulsing from the front windows being down. Sadly the 2.7 was gutless and finally dumped the contents of the block into the oil pan.
I wish I had repowered it now.
Yes the 4Runner rear window was excellent, other cars should have this. If you thought the 2.7 was bad, you would have really enjoyed the 2.2l non turbo or the 3.0 slug that I had. Other than the power and thirst a truly excellent car.
The trouble with the BMW timer is that you have to know when you are leaving and program it accordingly. I like the idea of a solar power constant fan or thermostat controlled fan.
In reply to The0retical :
That rear window is absolutely one of the best features. Almost makes up for the truly crappy cupholders. Almost.