7/1/13 10:41 p.m.
I'm being told mixed things on if I could bring this car back with me in 3 years. It doesn't meet the age requirement but they sold the bodyste in the states and since I was the last owner in Japan yada yada lol It might just come home as a track car and get certified for no public use I know I can do that when I come back
7/1/13 11:59 p.m.
Back to the topic at hand, So when i pick the car up from the body shop i'm thinking about getting it wrapped to look like there

7/2/13 12:13 a.m.
You lucky sob. My st185's younger brother. I want your 3rd gen 3sgte.
I would say no to the wrap. I don't think it wil go over well with the locals.
And I don't think thse are hard to import. Engine was sold here, body was too. You should look into it.
7/2/13 4:37 p.m.
3rd gen 3sgte was never sold state side.
7/6/13 6:15 a.m.
Heres a few more pics i snapped today, also i went ahead and picked up an hks ssqv for the car, I guess i'm a ricer since the first modd was a load BOV lol