1/18/18 8:56 p.m.
Fun Thursday evening game for everyone. Picked up a lot of Datsun parts which included some turbo goodies. This wastegate was among the parts. I've spent some time trying to identify it to no avail. No markings or numbers, however seems well built and all other components found were of high quality. Primary oddity of the piece is the 5 bolt top. Internet has been scoured, no answers. Any guesses?

Old Skool, fast and furious days bro. I’m pretty sure That’s a turbo xs BOV. I know it’s not Greddy, TiaL, HKS, or Trust.
John P 2 this is John P II , Over, Johnp2 what ya gonna do with that O L D bov. I would like to strap down the Internal WG on my Fiero's Turbo.
Yeah, BOV, unsure of the brand. Given the connections are both flanges, could be some factory part.
1/19/18 2:20 p.m.
I think that's technically a recirculating valve (bypass valve) rather than a true BOV. There's no horn to vent the pressure to atmosphere; looks like it gets fed into that AN line on the side.
Two vacuum ports plus a heatsinked body says wastegate to me. Those 2 bolt flanges were the standard external wastegate layout for many years until v-band clamps became fashionable.
thats not a factory part... too expensive to make on a regular. If it was a factory part, the pressure can would be stamped steel and the body woudl be cast. that is 100% machined and too expensive to make for produciton