I’m looking to add a low-profile trans temp gauge to my Jeep. I don’t really want to use the standard round Auto Meter or similar gauge, for space reasons. I’d just like a digital readout that I can put on a custom plate I’ll make. What kind of budget options are out there?
Even just a 1” x 2.5” or so digital readout would be fine. I don’t need to be able to reference it while hitting an apex at 100 mph. This is for my Jeep. I want to make sure my trans isn’t overheating again next time I’m off road.
IIRC Dakota Digital gauges were slim, not sure they are still readily available though.
8/17/18 4:03 p.m.
What about covering it with temperature indicating paint. That way you don't lose any dash space and checking the temp is as easy as peeking at the transmission. 

If you have depth behind your panel it's hard to go wrong with a $20 12v temperature controller off Amazon or Ebay. Nice digital display, programmable setpoint for an alarm or fan control, and cheap.
The only tough spot is the cheesy temp probe some come with, but at the price you can afford to either epoxy/jb weld/solder it to your pan for close enough, buy a better probe, or come up with some other way to get the probe in your fluid. (Maybe gun drill a bolt to stick into the pan, then insert the probe into it with dielectric grease?)
Inkbird Dual Stage 12V Digital Temperature Controller Fahrenheit Thermostat https://www.amazon.com/dp/B019I3YCFS/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_eW3DBbFHDATC5
I'm on my phone, so cleaning that up into a nice link will have to wait.
That looks about perfect! Thanks all!!