Ya the bar that runs horizontal behind the driver seat should be extended across to the passenger side and the straps mounted to the bars. If for no other reason you are shortening the total length of the strap. This results in alot less stretch during an impact. There are a bunch of other reasons why you should do this but I will not get in to it here. The SCCA GCR is a really good reference for belt mounting.
Two words... spinal compression. 
nope.. those belts are installed wrong. You see the bar behind the driver's seat? those belts should go OVER it and through the openings in the seat.
As Dean mentioned.. the bar should go all the way across so the passenger is afforded the same luxury
8/27/11 5:37 a.m.
Raze wrote:
I have the Bomz seats in the XR4, no problems, Many people complain about safety, but I would argue until you're taking these things on the track at speed you'll be fine. We paid for the pair $200/shipped for the all black ones and for AutoX, round town, anything is better than an old escort seat tac-welded to the sheetmetal floor with square tube
Glad I wasn't the only one who thought the way the belts were mounted was kinda dodgy. I'm also wondering about that unpadded bar that looks real close to the right side of the driver's unhelmeted noggin. Might be kinda painful without a helmet on.
8/27/11 9:28 a.m.
lizard wrote:
Gotta ask a couple of questions.
- Anyone know if they fit in an NB Miata?
- Are they comfortable to sit in for more than 1 hour?
They fit in my FB RX-7. I've never owned an NB Miata though, so I don't know how to compare. The seat bases and wings would be what I would worry about.
I did 500+ miles in one day in them in said RX-7, they were very nice. The foam is stiff at first, but breaks in well.
New Reader
8/27/11 10:14 a.m.
Any seats in the same price range that don't recline and are therefore more appropriate for tracking?
Javelin wrote:
They had some sort of tag on them, I'll look closer this weekend. I do want to point out that this is only an autocross car, I would never trust these seats at an HPDE.
How do you feel about these seats holding up to a collision in a street car?
Also, do you (or anyone else) have suggestions for cheap seats you would trust for an HPDE? (Adjustability isn't necessarily important.)
Teggsan wrote:
Any seats in the same price range that don't recline and are therefore more appropriate for tracking?
Most of the recliners bolt on. I make triangular plates out of 1/8" steel and drill the holes to fit the lay back I need. I have done it three times and it works quite well.
blueafro wrote:
How do you feel about these seats holding up to a collision in a street car?
About as well as the seats in late 80's Korean imports...
blueafro wrote:
Also, do you (or anyone else) have suggestions for cheap seats you would trust for an HPDE? (Adjustability isn't necessarily important.)
How much is your ability to walk worth?
Not being preachy, the difference between a $2500 race seat and the "wrong seat" could very well be whether you walk or roll away.
8/27/11 4:09 p.m.
LOL, yeah I know the belts are bad, the 'roll bar' that's in the car is getting removed and a proper cage + proper mount points put in this winter, in the meantime the belt attach points have been moved up to the bar and a crossbar was put in, this is an old pic. You're all absolutely correct, it is very bad for track or street use...
In reply to John Brown:
Good track-appropriate seats don't have to cost $2500... Kirkey has a nice selection of race seats that meet a lot of sanctioning bodies' requirements, and I can't think of one that comes in even close to $2500... even for a pair.
I just purchased a set of ultra shield road race seats for little over $800 shipped.
John Brown: I concur that safety gear isn't worth scrimping on. I'm just looking for tips on the less expensive options from the pool of seats which actually are safe.
darkbuddha, thunderzy: Thanks for the suggestions.
Gonna share my seat secret.
I found a company that took a known product and rebadged it with a bit of a ricer-ific branding instead of just cranking out their own cheap junk.
V-racing, a division of Konig (konig style?) had a seat line for the v-racing "Rush" seat. I initially found them while they were on closeout for $65 a piece. (+$40 s&h), still a great deal. They only had blue or worse colors when I bought them to replace the E36-M3-tastic stock seats in my mustang.
I have since bought another seat in black and yellow (same as pictured) that was found at a yardsale for $35.

Now, heres the kicker.. they are Cobra Monacos... which have had FIA approval. this version doesnt carry the labeling indicating that it carries it, but it is the same seat. All of the info that came with them was the same, all the molded plastic parts say cobra, the upholstery is different
Currently have 3 of these seats. 2 are in the mustang, and one is set aside in case I want to put it in the Miata for possible future track days.
company (v-racing) is gone, but look for these used. Honestly could be better comfort wise, but works well for auto-x and anything short of a 45min drive. (butt pillow required for longer then that, otherwise comfortable)
8/28/11 9:22 a.m.
blueafro wrote:
Javelin wrote:
They had some sort of tag on them, I'll look closer this weekend. I do want to point out that this is only an autocross car, I would never trust these seats at an HPDE.
How do you feel about these seats holding up to a collision in a street car?
I feel safer in these new seats than I do in the 1973 originals in my Javelin 
Age takes it's toll on safety devices.
8/28/11 9:24 a.m.
John Brown wrote:
blueafro wrote:
Also, do you (or anyone else) have suggestions for cheap seats you would trust for an HPDE? (Adjustability isn't necessarily important.)
How much is your ability to walk worth?
Not being preachy, the difference between a $2500 race seat and the "wrong seat" could very well be whether you walk or roll away.
Again, this is not a track car. I would not take this car onto a "big" track. When I HPDE in the future, it will be with actual ($$$) seats and a rollbar, minimum. I don't want the chance to back into armco at 100+ without full safety gear.
I want to try a set of these in my CRX the originals have a crappy recover job on them and the foam is kaput. Anyone know if they will fit? They list Sunday hours on their site but the message says they are closed. I also want to see if they will fit in my Spitfire. If comfy I will get a second set in Vinyl.
8/28/11 2:00 p.m.
I can provide full measurements on these things for comparison if anybody needs them. As an FYI, the seat rails are 13.5" apart.
BTW... I was just reminded by a fb update on a friends rallycar project of Sabelt seats. They've got some excellent seats. Not all are cheap, but the steel frame, fixed back Racer Duo is $272 and is FIA approved: http://www.sabeltusa.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=5_78_67&products_id=26
That seems mighty reasonable for a race quality seat with FIA approval.
Javelin wrote:
I can provide full measurements on these things for comparison if anybody needs them. As an FYI, the seat rails are 13.5" apart.
Hmm, stock rails in my neon are at 15.25" on center, as are the front bolts. Rear bolts are 14.25".
Any images or other dimensions for the rails?
In reply to neon4891:
I will get full pics and dimensions up by the end of the weekend. The rails are totally flat though, so a spacer plate can be made to move them inboard or outboard.
9/12/11 6:33 p.m.
Darnit! No, no I haven't. Sigh
I will make it my #1 priority when I get free time. Sorry!
In reply to GTwannaB:
Your right!
9/14/11 9:06 p.m.
36" tall from base to top of seat and 1st recline click
25" long base front to back overall
21.75" wide at the front of the shoulder wings
19" wide at the front of the lumbar wings
The very back of the back starts at 19" wide at the base, tapers to 16" by the shoulder wings
21" wide overall at the top of the seat base thigh bolsters
17.5" wide seat base at the bottom of the base
16.5" long flat bottom
Has 4 bolt holes on the base for tracks at 13.5" wide and 11" long
Do you need anything else?