2/15/18 11:20 a.m.
Woody said:
I had to settle for a Porsche Club calendar this year. For some reason, the first box on the left is Monday. Sunday is all the way to the right, and it keeps screwing me up.
Stupid rich people and their fancy ass calendars.
THIS IS THE WAY ALL CALENDARS SHOULD BE. I decree it. Is the week Sunday-Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday-Saturday? NO! The week is Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday-Saturday-Sunday. The weekend is the paired days of Saturday and Sunday, and they happen at the end of the week. That's why they're called the weekEND.
The split-weekend calendar format has bugged me since I was old enough to read. It just makes no sense. Even if you go back to the biblical Creation myth, God rested on the SEVENTH day, not the first.
Ian F
2/15/18 12:03 p.m.
11/9/18 8:05 a.m.
Well we're getting to the end of the year and I'm getting a little tired of still looking at December 2017 on my wall. I need a new GRM calendar for 2019 so I guess I'll have to get one printed myself. I haven't checked a lot of places yet for prices, but I can do a standard 8 1/2 x 11 for $10ea or a "premium" 11.5 x 14 for $20ea at Costco.com. I think the 8 1/2 x 11 would be about the same size as the discontinued GRM calendars.
In the spirit of crowd sourcing, I started compiling a shared folder in google photos of possible pictures for the calendar. 2019 Calendar Nominations
If you want in on this "grassroots" calendar effort just add your proposed photo(s) to the shared folder at the link above. There are only two rules for adding photos. (and please don't force me to invent more rules
- Photos must be appropriate for all ages, ie. no objectionable or inappropriate content.
- Only add photos for which you own the copyright and for which you are willing to grant license to other GRM community members to use on their calendars. (if you didn't take the photo you probably don't own the copyright)
Now, I don't want to get involved handling money and making shipments of calendars. My objective is to facilitate some cool diy calendars to fill the void left by the passing of the venerable GRM calendars of yesteryear.
On Costco's website it is super easy to drop your photos onto the calendar and place your order. I'm sure there are other vendors as well that are just as easy.
Duke said:
Woody said:
I had to settle for a Porsche Club calendar this year. For some reason, the first box on the left is Monday. Sunday is all the way to the right, and it keeps screwing me up.
Stupid rich people and their fancy ass calendars.
THIS IS THE WAY ALL CALENDARS SHOULD BE. I decree it. Is the week Sunday-Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday-Saturday? NO! The week is Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday-Saturday-Sunday. The weekend is the paired days of Saturday and Sunday, and they happen at the end of the week. That's why they're called the weekEND.
The split-weekend calendar format has bugged me since I was old enough to read. It just makes no sense. Even if you go back to the biblical Creation myth, God rested on the SEVENTH day, not the first.
Yeah, well, by the time you get to noon Sunday you start dreading the Monday you know is coming, so your week pretty much does start on Sunday. 
You heard it here first - Flyin' Miata is doing a calendar this year. We'll be announcing them soon but the short version is: buy something, get calendar.
Keith Tanner said:
You heard it here first - Flyin' Miata is doing a calendar this year. We'll be announcing them soon but the short version is: buy something, get calendar.
What do you have for Viper or Land Cruiser parts?
We have some brake components that are popular amongst Toyota owners as they use the same 10x1.0 pitch and flare type, and of course our oil and other fluids are universal 
11/9/18 11:55 a.m.
Keith Tanner said:
You heard it here first - Flyin' Miata is doing a calendar this year. We'll be announcing them soon but the short version is: buy something, get calendar.
Isn't there an FM churckey? or maybe it was combined into a cam-locking tool? Figured that would be a good choice to get a calendar, but having trouble finding it.
Keith Tanner said:
We have some brake components that are popular amongst Toyota owners as they use the same 10x1.0 pitch and flare type, and of course our oil and other fluids are universal 
Always the professional - nice reply!
bluej said:
Keith Tanner said:
You heard it here first - Flyin' Miata is doing a calendar this year. We'll be announcing them soon but the short version is: buy something, get calendar.
Isn't there an FM churckey? or maybe it was combined into a cam-locking tool? Figured that would be a good choice to get a calendar, but having trouble finding it.
You're thinking of the Ninja Tool. We sell far more of these than we really should, I suspect not everyone buys them for timing belts.
11/12/18 9:38 a.m.
So far only one person joined the google photos folder and no one has added any photos. Hmmmm... I thought there would be at least a few people contributing to the cause. 2019 Calendar Nominations
Maybe everyone is just waiting for that Flying Miata calendar.
In reply to bigben :
I added a picture of my Miata the day I bought it. It's on a U-Haul car trailer being pulled by my gmt400.
The truck got as many comments as the Miata when I posted the picture here.
11/13/18 9:55 a.m.
Duke said:
Woody said:
I had to settle for a Porsche Club calendar this year. For some reason, the first box on the left is Monday. Sunday is all the way to the right, and it keeps screwing me up.
Stupid rich people and their fancy ass calendars.
THIS IS THE WAY ALL CALENDARS SHOULD BE. I decree it. Is the week Sunday-Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday-Saturday? NO! The week is Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday-Saturday-Sunday. The weekend is the paired days of Saturday and Sunday, and they happen at the end of the week. That's why they're called the weekEND.
The split-weekend calendar format has bugged me since I was old enough to read. It just makes no sense. Even if you go back to the biblical Creation myth, God rested on the SEVENTH day, not the first.
Nice trolling.
Every time I come back to these forums I'm reminded why it's been soo long.
11/13/18 10:14 a.m.
In reply to DrBoost :
Uhhhh, OK. First off, the quoted post is 9 months old. Second off, I wasn't trolling, I was posting an opinion.
On the topic of the most recent revival of this thread, I have an image submitted, but I need to find a decent resolution version of it.
Back on topic, I added a couple.
11/13/18 2:51 p.m.
I can add a couple...
I’ll work on it tomorrow.
11/13/18 7:11 p.m.
Keith Tanner said:
bluej said:
Keith Tanner said:
You heard it here first - Flyin' Miata is doing a calendar this year. We'll be announcing them soon but the short version is: buy something, get calendar.
Isn't there an FM churckey? or maybe it was combined into a cam-locking tool? Figured that would be a good choice to get a calendar, but having trouble finding it.
You're thinking of the Ninja Tool. We sell far more of these than we really should, I suspect not everyone buys them for timing belts.
I don't even have a Miata and I need one of these. At least I know some one that owns one.
11/13/18 9:55 p.m.
Nice additions everyone. Keep em coming!
I'll see if I can dig up any good action shots too.
bigben said:
So far only one person joined the google photos folder and no one has added any photos. Hmmmm... I thought there would be at least a few people contributing to the cause. 2019 Calendar Nominations
Maybe everyone is just waiting for that Flying Miata calendar.
took me a little while to get organized and then get a quick re-edit done, so I just added a couple pictures from OneLap via 'The Big Camera'.
11/17/18 10:09 a.m.
I've been missing from here lately between work, 501st stuff and no internet at home after the ice storm. Just added one, probably easy to guess which it is. (SWMBO took it so I'm probably safe on copyright.)
1/8/19 5:08 p.m.
I printed my Unofficial GRM 2019 calendar at Costco.com for $10. I think it turned out pretty good too.