So this is my first post. New to this forum but not to Grassroots magazine or to cars and racing. I have been working on cars for 26 years. Currently a Lexus senior tech and have been an ASE master for 12 years. I have been racing since the first week I got my drivers license. I finally joined this forum because I finally acquired a 2017 challenge car and I will need to make sure I stay on track with it. I am a huge fan of the Volvo red 4 cylinder cars and have built quite a few of them. I had one of my Lexus customers that I tried to purchase a Volvo from 9 years ago and she always said no. Well, her SC430 kept getting damaged by rats. Over $13,000 damage in one year. Turns out the rats had made quite a home in the Volvo and when she would come home they would move into her cozy Lexus and start chewing up wiring and plastic. When she found out the rats were living in the Volvo she asked me if I still wanted it. Well, I told her I wasn't buying a car that was full of rats. She replied "just come and get it away from my house and you can have it, otherwise I'm calling the junkyard". Well, now it is mine, parked on my moms 6 acres and filled with moth balls. It is a 1991 740 turbo wagon. I have already got a factory Volvo racing vx3 camshaft for $50 and a Volvo penta aq151 cylinder head with a really rotted #4 exhaust port for $20. The plan is to use stock Pistons with some Chinese eBay H beam rods and ARP studs with a Chinese T3 turbo, possibly a knockoff holset to keep costs down. eBay coil over sleves and springs. Gonna try and sell off the oem LH2.4 fuel injection parts to cover a megasquirt. Some junk yard flares. This should be fun